ICAS Bulletin
Institute for Corean-American Studies, Inc.

Ambassador Stephen W. Bosworth
ICAS Distinguished Fellow
Dean, The Fletcher School
Tufts University
to address
The Korean Peninsula Issues
ICAS Winter Symposium:
Humanity, Peace and Security
February 13, 2008 Wednesday 2 00 PM - 5 00 PM
Capitol Hill
Washington DC
On-Line Registration
Dear Friend:
We are pleased to share with
you that Ambassador Stephen Bosworth will address "The Korean Peninsula Issues:
A State of Affairs and Outlook " at the ICAS Winter Symposium on February 13, 2008
in Washington DC.
Stephen W. Bosworth is
presently Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. He
served as U. S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea (1997-2000), Ambassador to the
Philippines (1984-1987) and Ambassador to Tunisia (1979-1981). Previous Foreign
Service assignments include Paris, Madrid, Panama City, and Washington D C serving
as Director of Policy Planning, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for
Inter-American Affairs, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, and Director
of the Office of Fuels and Energy. Ambassador Bosworth was Recipient of American
Academy of Diplomacy's Diplomat of the Year Award (1987), Executive Director, Korean
Peninsula Energy DevelopmentOrganization (KEDO) (1995-1997), President of the United
States Japan Foundation (1987-1995). He taught at Columbia University's School of
International and Public Affairs (1990-1994) and was Linowitz Chair of International
Studies, Hamilton College (1993). Dean Bosworth is Trustee, Dartmouth College (1992-present)
and, Chairmanof Board of Trustees (1996-1999).
The Ambassador's research interests
include U.S.-Korean, U.S.-Japan, U.S.-Asian relations, U S Foreign Policy, Interntional
Finance and Trade, Energy, Arms control and Disarmament.
Ambassador Bosworth holds
AB and LLD (Hon.), Dartmouth College.
Thank you.
Sang Joo Kim / signed
Sr. Fellow & Executive Vice President