July 9, 2023

Becky Norton Dunlop
ICAS Fellow and ICAS Liberty Award Recipient
former Ronald Reagan Distringuished Fellow
Heritage Foundation

Virtual Address

America's Founding Principles and Great American Values

ICAS Summer Symposium
The Korean Diaspora

August 12, 2023 1000 PM - 500 PM
Merten Hall 1202
George Mason University
Fairfax Virginia

Challenges facing the Korean - /Asian - Community

Dear Friend:

We are pleased to share with you that Becky Norton Dunlop will deliver a virtual address at the ICAS Summer Symposium with a special emphasis on "America's Founding Principles and Great American Values" on August 12, 2023.

Mrs. Becky Norton Dunlop is an accomplished writer, speaker, strategist and advisor on politics and policy. She has served in national government and state government in Cabinet, sub-Cabinet and Presidential advisory roles. Becky currently serves in advisory roles for educational freedom, natural resources and energy management, conservative principles and President Ronald Reagan's leadership principles.

Becky has been an advisor and friend of ICAS for nearly 25 years and has been privileged to speak to and watch hundreds of young people who have been part of this prestigious program grow into adulthood. She considers all graduates and their families as well as the leadership of ICAS to be part of her extended family.

Mrs. Dunlop served in the White House on the staff of President Ronald Reagan, in his Department of Justice and his Department of the Interior. Additionally she served on advisory boards in HHS and as chairman of the Federal Service Impasses Panel. Becky also was a member of the Trump Transition team and headed the Heritage Foundation personnel project that provided the Trump Transition team with over 5,000 resumes and recommendations for positions in the Trump administration in 2016.

As a member of the Governor's cabinet in Virginia, she was the Secretary of Natural Resources for four years. Becky also served on advisory boards for Federalism and Environmental Stewardship.

In 1998, she joined the Heritage Foundation, a Washington DC based policy institute as Vice President for External Relations and later as the Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow.

The author of the acclaimed book "Clearing the Air: How the People of Virginia Improved the Environment Despite the EPA", Becky chronicles some of her experiences working on behalf of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia advancing constitutional principles of federalism and the American Conservation Ethic to improve the environment and people's lives. She is part of the Federalist Society speakers' bureau. Becky is on the Board of Governors for the Reagan Ranch, Treasurer of the Reagan Alumni Association, on the board of directors for the Virginia Institute for Public Policy and a board member for the Association of American Educators. She also served on a number of advisory boards.

Becky lives with her husband, George, on a lovely site in Virginia in Wythe County, named for one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, George Wythe.

Becky has been a dedicated supporter for decades for the growth of ICAS and the benefactor of endowing the Becky Norton Dunlop Award for Excellence of ICAS Youth Fellowship Awards (Becky Norton Dunlop Biographic Sketch (icasinc.org))

Thank you.