![]() Sydney A. Seiler Syd has spent over 27 years in the intelligence community following North Korean affairs, with assignments in both the collection and analysis fields in multiple intelligence disciplines. This includes working as a collector for the National Security Agency, an all-source analyst and manager with the Directorate of Intelligence and Directorate of Operations in the CIA, and as a senior media analyst and manager at the Foreign Broadcast Information Service. He spent over 12 years serving in the Republic of Korea in a variety of positions. Syd received his Masters of Arts degree in Korean Studies from Yonsei University's Graduate School of International Studies, and he is a graduate of the Korean language programs of the Defense Language Institute in Monterey and Yonsei University. Syd is the author of the book, Kim Il Song 1941-1948: The. Creation of a Legend, the Building of a Regime. He resides in Maryland with his wife, Sunik, and two sons, Shawn and Shane.
This page last updated March 9, 2014 jdb |
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