ICAS Bulletin
Institute for Corean-American Studies, Inc.
The Hon Curt Weldon
United States Congressman
to speak
US -North Korea Relations
ICAS Spring Symposium: Humanity, Peace and Security
May 19, 2005 Thursday 12:30
PM - 5:00 PM
US House of Representatives Rayburn Office Building Room RHOB 2255
Capitol Hill, Washington DC 20515
Dear Friend:
We are pleased to share with you that
US Congressman Curt Weldon* will address "US - North Korea Relations" at the ICAS Spring
Symposium 2005.
* www.icasinc.org/bios/weldon_c.html
* www.icasinc.org/1998/1998l/1998lcuw.html
* www.icasinc.org/1998/1998/1998fand.html
Admission to this programme is free of
charge and open to public. However, seating is limited and pre-registration is advised.
Please register on-line at:
On-Line Registration
Sang Joo Kim / signed
Sr. Fellow & Executive Vice President