Roster of ICAS Fellows

AHN, Ho Young. ICAS Fellow; President, University of North Korean Studies, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
ALBRIGHT, David. ICAS Fellow; President and Chairman of the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), Washington, D.C.
BANDOW, Doug. ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow, the Cato Institute, Washington D.C.
BANG, Joon J. ICAS Fellow; President, the Korean American Youth Foundation, New York.
BECKER, Grace Chung ICAS Fellow and Liberty Award Recipient; Acting Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice.
BECHTOL, Bruce E. Jr. ICAS Fellow; Professor of Political Science, Angelo State University.
BELL, Burwell B. ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow and ICAS Liberty Award Recipient; General (Ret.) U.S. Army.
BENNETT, Bruce W. ICAS Fellow; Senior Defense Analyst, The RAND Corporation .
BEVILACQUA, Gabriel L.I. ICAS Fellow; Chancellor Philadelphia Bar Association.
BLAIR, Dennis C. ICAS Annual Liberty Award 2016 Reciprient and ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow; Chairman of the Board and CEO Sasakawa USA.
BOSCO, Joseph A. ICAS Fellow; Senior Associate, Center for Strategic and International Studies; member, U.S.-China Task Force, Center for the National Interest.
*BOSWORTH, Stephen W. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.
*BOUCHER, Jerry D. ICAS Fellow, Director; Adjunct Professor of Psychology (Ret), University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California.
BROWN, Ronald T. ICAS Fellow; Professor of Public Health, Psychology and Pediatrics and Dean, College of Health Professions, Temple University.
BROWN, William B. ICAS Fellow; Senior International Economist, U. S. Department of Commerce.
BUIRA, Seira Ariel ICAS Fellow; member of Board of Governors, Banco de Mexico; former IMF Executive Director, and former Director International Organizations and Agreements, Mexico City.
BYRNE, Thomas ICAS Fellow; Vice President and Senior Credit Officer, Financial Institutions and Sovereign Group, Moody's Investor's Service.
CAMPBELL, Kurt M. ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow and Liberty Awardee; Chairman and CEO The Asia Group LLC.
CARPENTER, Ted Galen ICAS Fellow; Vice President, Defence & Foreign Policy Studies, Cato Institute, Washington, D.C.
CAVALLO, Domingo ICAS Fellow; member of National Congress, and former Minister of Finance and Public Works, Chairman of Currrency Board, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Visiting Abraham Krasnoff Professor of Global Business Studies, New York University, New York.
CHA, Victor D. ICAS Fellow; Professor and Director of Asian Studies, Georgetown University.
CHACKER, Edward F. ICAS Fellow; Senior Partner, Gay & Chacker, Philadelphia; Chancellor, Philadelphia Bar Association.
CHAE, Su Chan ICAS Fellow; Professor and Dean of the Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea.
*CHANCE, Britton ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Eldridge Reeves Johnson University Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics, Physical Chemestry and Radiologic Physics, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.
*CHANDRAVITHUN, Nikom ICAS Fellow; Professor and Fellow, Royal Institute and Judicial Council, Grand Palace, Bangkok, Thailand.
CHANG, Gordon G. ICAS Fellow; Author and Columnist.
CHEN, Jian ICAS Fellow; Professor of History, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
CHO, Taeyong ICAS Fellow; National Assemblyman of Republic of Korea.
CHOI, Yoon Hee ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Admiral ROK Navy (Ret), Former Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff ROK Armed Forces, President ROK Sea Power League, Chairman Federation of Maritime Industries.
CHOINHOR, Jalabuu ICAS Fellow; Ambassador of Mongolia to the United States, Washington D.C.
CHUN, A. Marisa ICAS Fellow & Liberty Awardee; Deputy Associate Attorney General, United States Department of Justice.
CHUN, In Bum ICAS Fellow; Lt General (Ret) ROK Army.
*CHUN, Shinae ICAS Fellow; Director of the Women's Bureau, U. S. Dept. of Labor.
CHUNG, Chong Wook ICAS Fellow; Inaugural Kim Koo Visiting Professor, Department of Government, Harvard University
CHUNG, Tong Soo ICAS Fellow; Head, Invest Korea (KOTRA), the Korean national investment promotion agency.
CLARKE, Jonathan ICAS Fellow; President, The American Journalism Foundation, Washington, D.C.
CLEMONS, Stephan ICAS Fellow; Executive Vice President, New America Foundation, Washington, D.C.
COLUCCI, Lamont ICAS Fellow; Associate Professor, Ripon College
COOPER, Henry F. ICAS Fellow; Chairman, High Frontier, Washington, D.C.
CREAMER, Shawn P. ICAS Fellow; Deputy Director Strategy Policy and Plans, USFK; US Army Colonel
CRONIN, Patrick M. ICAS Fellow; Senior Advisor and Senior Director of the Asia-Pacific Security Program at the Center for a New American Security.
DAI, Hai Lung ICAS Fellow; Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; Laura H. Carnell Professor of Chemistry; Senior Vice Provost for International Affairs, Temple University.
DALRYMPLE, Rawdon ICAS Distinguished Fellow, Director; Chairman, ASEAN Focus Group, Sydney, Australia; former Australian Ambassador to the U.S. and to Japan.
deLISLE, Jacques ICAS Fellow; Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania.
DeTRANI, Joseph ICAS Fellow; Ambassador.
DINH, Viet D ICAS Fellow; Professor of Law, Deputy Director, Asian Law & Policy Studies Program, Georgetown University Law Center; former Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Policy, United States Department of Justice.
DOWNS, Chuck ICAS Fellow; Author, Over the Line: North Korea's Negotiating Strategy; former senior official of the Pentagon and United States Department of State.
DUDDEN, Alexis. ICAS Fellow; Professor of History, University of Connecticut.
DUNLOP, Becky Norton ICAS Fellow; Vice President for External Relations, The Heritage Foundation.
*EISNER, Robert ICAS Distinguished Fellow; William R. Kenan Professor of Economics Emeritus, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.
EINHORN, Robert ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
FEULNER, Edwin J. Jr. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Founder and President of The Heritage Foundation
FITZPATRICK, Mark. ICAS Fellow; Executive Director, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
FLEITZ, Fred H. ICAS Fellow; President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy
FOSTER-CARTER, Aidan. ICAS Fellow; Honorary senior research fellow in sociology and modern Korea, Leeds University, England.
FRANK, Ruediger. ICAS Fellow; Professor, University of Vienna.
FUKUYAMA, Francis ICAS Fellow; Bernard Schwartz Professor of International Political Economy, The Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC.
GALLI, Suzanne Kim Doud. ICAS Fellow; Surgeon, solo practice in DC and Northern Virginia.
GALLINGTON, Daniel J. ICAS Fellow; Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Illinois College of Law, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
GALLUCCI, Robert ICAS Fellow; Distinguished Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy, Edmund A Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
GANS, John A. Jr. ICAS Fellow; Director of Research and Communications, Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania.
GAUSE, Ken. ICAS Fellow; Director International Affairs Group, CNA Strategic Studies, CNA Corporation.
GONG, Gerrit W. ICAS Fellow; Assistant to the President for Planning and Assessment, Brigham Young University, Salt Lake City, Utah.
GRAHAM, Thomas E. Jr. ICAS Fellow; Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
GREGSON, Wallace C. Jr. ICAS Fellow; Senior Advisor, General Atomics; LT GEN (R), US Marine Corps.
GUILLÉN, Mauro F. ICAS Fellow; Director, Joseph H. Lauder Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
GUIRGUIS, Nassef Nazmey ICAS Fellow; Chairman, Cairo Stock Exchange, Cairo, Egypt.
HALL, Tony P. ICAS Fellow and Liberty Award Recipient; United States Congressman, Washington, D.C.
*HALPIN, Dennis P. ICAS Fellow; Pearson Fellow, Committee on International Relations, U S House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.
HAMRE, John J. ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow and Liberty Award reciprient; President and CEO Center for Strategic and International Strategy, Washington, D.C.
HARRIS, Harry B. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; US Ambassador to ROK; Admiral (Ret), US Navy.
*HARRISON, Selig S. ICAS Fellow; Director of the Asia Program, Center for International Policy; Senior Scholar, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.
HAYASHI, Mary Chung. ICAS Fellow; ICAS Liberty Award Recipient; Assemblyperson, California State Assembly.
HECKER, Sigfried S. ICAS Fellow; ICAS Professor Emeritus and Senior Fellow Emeritus Stanford University; Former Director Los Alamos National Laboratory
HILL, Christopher R. ICAS Distinguished Fellow and Liberty Award Recipient; Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, United States Department of State, Washington, D.C.
HONG,  Corry ICAS Fellow; ICAS Liberty Award Recipient; Founder, President & CEO, UNICOM Global.
HUBBARD, Thomas C. ICAS Distinguished Fellow & Liberty Award Recipient; Ambassador; Senior Advisor of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, Washington, D.C.
HUESSY, Peter R. ICAS Fellow; President, GeoStrategic Analysis; Senior defense consultant, Air Force Association; National Security Fellow, American Foreign Policy Council.
HUGO, Timothy Douglas ICAS Fellow; ICAS Liberty Awardee; Delegate, Virginia House of Delegates, Commonwealth of Virginia
HUNTER, Helen-Louise. ICAS Fellow; Intelligence & Political Analyst.
*HURST, G. Cameron III ICAS Fellow; Professor of Japanese and Korean Studies, University of Pennsylvania.
HWANG, Jin Ha. ICAS Fellow; Member, National Assembly, Republic of Korea.
IDRISSOV, Erlan A. ICAS Fellow; Foreign Minister, Republic of Kazakhstan.
JAGER, Sheila Miyoshi ICAS Fellow; Professor, East Asian Studies Program, Oberlin College, Oberlin OH.
JANNUZI, Frank ICAS Fellow; President and CEO, The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation.
JUNG, Seung Jo ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow; Republic of Korea (ROK) Army General (Ret).
KARAKO, Thomas O. ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies.
KARTMAN, Charles. ICAS Fellow; Ambassador, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.
KELLY, James A. ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow and ICAS Liberty Award recipient; Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Washington, D.C.
KELLY, Robert E. ICAS Fellow; Professor, Pusan National University, Pusan, Republic Of Korea.
KIM, Byung Ki. ICAS Fellow; Professor of Politics and International Relations, Korea University.
KIM, Djun Kil. ICAS Fellow; Independent Analysist, Seoul, and former Minister for Public Affairs, Embassy of Republic of Korea, Washington, D.C.
KIM, Jeong H. ICAS Fellow; President, Carrier Networks, Data Networking Systems, Lucent Technologies.
KIM, Jin Hyun. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Chairman, World Peace Forum
KIM, Jisoo M. ICAS Fellow; Korea Foundation Associate Professor of History, International Affairs, and East Asian Languages and Literatures
KIM, Jung Hoon. ICAS Fellow; Member of National Assembly, South Korea.
KIM, Sang Joo ICAS Senior Fellow, Executive Vice President & Director; Philadelphia.
KIM, Synja P. ICAS Fellow, Director & President; Philadelphia.
KIM, Tong ICAS Fellow; Visiting scholar, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS); Research professor at Korea University's Ilmin Institute of International Relations; Visiting professor at Graduate University of North Korean Studies.
KIM, Wan J. ICAS Fellow and Liberty Awardee; Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice,Washington D.C.
KIM-RENAUD, Young-Key. ICAS Fellow; Chair of the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, George Washington University,Washington D.C.
KING, William ICAS Fellow; Principal/Director; Booz Allen Hamilton.
KIRK, Donald ICAS Fellow; Author and Journalist; former Edward R. Murrow fellow, Council on Foreign Relations.
*KLEIN, Lawrence R. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Benjamin Franklin Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Nobel Laureate.
KLINGNER, Bruce ICAS Fellow; Senior Research Fellow, The Heritage Foundation.
KOH, Lucy Haeran ICAS Fellow &Liberty Awardee; Judge, United States District Court for the Northern District of California.
KROENIG , Matthew ICAS Fellow; Associate Professor, Department of Government, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
KURBANOV, Sergei O. ICAS Fellow; Professor, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St Petersburg State University; Director of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Study of Korea, Russia.
LAM, Le Tran ICAS Fellow; Head, Department of Science Technology & Environment, Hanoi, Vietnam.
LANEY, James T. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; President Emeritus, Emory University, Atlanta; former U.S. Ambassador to Korea.
LANKOV, Andrei ICAS Fellow; Professor, Kookmin University, and director of group, Seoul, Korea.
LEACH, James A. ICAS Distinguished Liberty Foundation Fellow; Chairman, Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Committee on International Relations, United States House of Representatives.
LEE, Chong Moon ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow and ICAS Liberty Award Honoree; Chairman, AmBex Venture Group; Chairman, Nara Bank.
LEE, John ICAS Fellow; Adjunct Professor, University of Sydney.
LEE, John Z. ICAS Fellow and ICAS Liberty Award Honoree; United States District Judge, United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois.
*LEE, Matthew D. ICAS Fellow and Liberty Award Recipient; Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Allied Technology Group, Inc., Rockville, Maryland.
LEE, Michelle K. ICAS Fellow and Liberty Award Recipient; Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property; Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
LEE, Nahm Wook ICAS Fellow; President & C.E.O., BeRex, Inc., San Jose, California.
LEE, Seong-Hyon ICAS Fellow; Director, Center for Chinese Studies, Sejong Institute, Seoul, Republic of Korea
LEE, Tae Sik ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow; ICAS Liberty Award Recipient; Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the United States of America.
LEE, Yuan-Tseh ICAS Distinguished Fellow; President, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Republic of China; Nobel Laureate.
LEVIN, Murray S. ICAS Fellow; Partner, Pepper Hamilton LLP, Philadelphia.
LHO, Kyong Soo ICAS Fellow; Professor of International Politics and Dean of the Office of International Affairs, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.
LI, Zhaoxing ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the United States.
*LILLEY, James R. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Professor of Public Affairs and Director of the Institute for Global Chinese Affairs, Univ Maryland, College Park; former U.S. Ambassador to China and to Korea.
LIM, Robyn. ICAS Fellow; Professor of International Relations, Nanzan University, Nagoya.
LO, Fu Chen ICAS Fellow; Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan (TECRO in Japan), Tokyo, Japan.
MAEHARA, Yasuhiro ICAS Fellow; General Manager, Bank of Japan Chief Representatives Office in the Americas.
MAIER, Manfred ICAS Fellow & Director; Professor, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
MASTRO, Oriana Skylar ICAS Fellow; Assistant Professor of Security Studies, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
MAXWELL, David S. ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow at Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
MAY, Hope Elizabeth ICAS Fellow; Professor of Philosophy, Central Michigan University.
McCANN, David R. ICAS Fellow; Korea Foundation Professor of Korean Literature, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations and Director of the Korea Institute, Harvard University.
MERLO, Antonio ICAS Fellow; Lawrence R. Klein Professor of Economics, Director of the Penn Institute for Economic Research, University of Pennsylvania.
MERRILL, John ICAS Fellow; Visiting Scholar, U.S.-Korea Institute, Johns Hopkins University.
*MEYERSON, Martin ICAS Distinguished Fellow; President Emeritus and University Professor Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania
MILLER,  James N. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; President, Adaptive Strategies.
MOUNT,  Adam ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
MOY, Edmund C. ICAS Fellow; Director, the United States Mint.
MULVANEY, Brendan ICAS Fellow; Director, China Aerospace Studies Institute; National Defense University
MUNDELL, William A. ICAS Fellow; Chairman of the Board, Trade, Inc., Tampa, Florida
NATHAN, Andrew J. ICAS Fellow; Professor, Columbia University, New York, New York
NAGASHIMA, Akihisa ICAS Fellow; Fifth-term member of the House of Representatives with the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ).
NIKSCH, Larry ICAS Fellow; Specialist in Asian Affairs, CRS, U. S. Library of Congress.
NOLAND, Marcus ICAS Fellow; Senior fellow at the Institute for International Economics and an Associate of the International Food Policy Research Institute.
O, Tara. ICAS Fellow; Adjunct Fellow, Hudson Institute.
O'BRIEN, Timothy J. ICAS Fellow; Of Counsel, Lee International IP and Law Group, Seoul.
OH, Bonnie B C ICAS Fellow; Distinguished Professor of Korean Studies, the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University.
OH, Joon ICAS Fellow; Ambassador-at-large of the Republic of Korea (ROK) .
*OH, Tae Hee ICAS Fellow & Director; Professor; Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
OVERBY, Tami ICAS Fellow; Senior vice president for Asia at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
PAK, Jacqueline ICAS Fellow; Korea specialist, the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
PANDA, Ankit ICAS Fellow; Stanton Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
PANG, Eng Fong ICAS Fellow; Singapore Ambassador to Belgium and European Unions, Brussels.
PARK, Michael H. ICAS Fellow; ICAS Liberty Awardee; United States Circuit Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.
PARK, John S. ICAS Fellow; Director, Korea Working Group and Adjunct Lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School.
PARK, Sung In ICAS Fellow; Vice President, Office of the Executive Staff, Chairman's Office, Samsung Group, Seoul; President, Korea Skating Union; Chef de Mission, South Korea's Winter Olympic Team 2002; Chief, Samsung Sports Administration Office; Executive Board member, Korea Olympic Committee.
PARK, Sunny K. ICAS Fellow; ICAS Liberty Awardee; Chief Executive Janitor, General Building Maintenance Inc.
*PARK, Yoon Shik ICAS Fellow; Professor of International Banking and Finance, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
PATTON, Nancy Linn ICAS Fellow; former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia and the Pacific, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C.
PILLSBURY, Michael ICAS Fellow; Director, Center on Chinese Strategy of the Hudson Institute.
PRITCHARD, Charles L. ICAS Fellow; Ambassador, and former Special Envoy for Negotiations with North Korea.
PRZYSTUP, James J. ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow and Research Professor, Institute of National Strategic Studies, National Defence University; former Director, Asian Studies Center, The Heritage Foundation, Washington D.C.
REISS, Mitchell B. ICAS Fellow; Dean of International Affairs and Director of the Wendy and Emery Reves Center for International Studies at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.
RHEE, Peter M. ICAS Fellow; Chief of Trauma, Critical Care and Emergency Surgery, and Professor of Surgery, University of Arizona.
RO, Young Chan. ICAS Fellow; Professor of Religious Studies and Chair of Department of Religious Studies, and Director of Korean Studies Center, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.
ROEHRIG, Terrence ICAS Fellow; Professor, United States Naval War College
ROSTOW, Nicholas ICAS Fellow; Senior Partner with the firm of Zumpano, Patricios & Popok PLLC, Senior Research Scholar at the Yale Law School, and visiting professor of law teaching international law at Cornell Law School
ROZMAN, Gilbert ICAS Fellow; Musgrave Professor of Sociology Emeritus, Princeton University
RUSSEL, Daniel R. ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow; Vice President International Security and Diplomacy, Asia Society Policy Institute;
former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
SAMORE, Gary ICAS Fellow; Crown Family Director, Crown Center for Middle East Studies; Professor, Practice of Politics, Brandeis University
*SATO, Kazuo ICAS Fellow; Professor of Economics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
SAVENIJE, Henny. ICAS Fellow; Educator, Seoul
*SCALAPINO, Robert A. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Robson Research Professor of Government Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley, California
SCAPARROTTI, Curtis "Mike"  ICAS Distinguished Fellow; General US Army (Ret); Senior Counselor, The Cohen Group.
SCULLIN, Michael E. ICAS Fellow; Counsel, McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, Philadelphia; Honorary Consul of France in Philadelphia and Wilmington.
SEILER, Sydney ICAS Fellow; Former National Intelligence Officer for North Korea
*SHESTACK, Jerome J. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Partner and head of the Litigation Department of the law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen, Philadelphia, PA.
SHIN, Kak Soo ICAS Fellow; Professor and Director, International Law Center, Korea National Diplomatic Academy.
SHIN, Un ICAS Fellow; President of the Academy of National Intelligence
SHIN, Sun Kyun ICAS Fellow; Vice President, Select Market Division, Wilmington Savings and Fund Society Bank, Wilmington, DE.
SINGLETON, Kenneth J. ICAS Fellow, Director; C.O.G. Miller Distinguished Professor of Finance, Stanford University, Stanford, California.
SOH, Chunghee Sarah ICAS Fellow; Professor Emerita of Anthropology, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California.
STANTON, Joshua ICAS Fellow; founder of OneFreeKorea; attorney, Washington, D.C.
STEPHENS, Kathleen. ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow; ICAS Liberty Award Recipient; U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, Seoul R.O.K.
SUH, Rhea. ICAS Fellow and Liberty Award Recipient; Assistant Secretary for Policy Management and Budget, United States Department of Interior.
SUH, Sung Hee ICAS Fellow and Liberty Award Recipient; Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice.
SUHR, Paul ICAS Fellow, Director; Senior Partner, Suhr & Associates, Raleigh, N.C.
SUTTER, Robert G. ICAS Fellow; Visiting Professor, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
TILELLI, John H. ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow; General, United States Army, Retired; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Cypress International Inc., Alexandria, Virginia .
TOLORAYA,  Georgy D. ICAS Fellow; Diplomat; Professor, IMEMO, Moscow; Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution.
TRASVIÑA, John D. ICAS Fellow; Former Special Counsel, Civil Rights Division, U S Department of Justice, Washington D.C.
TRIVEDI, Atman. ICAS Fellow; Managing Director Hills & Company.
VERSHBOW, ALexander R. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Scowcroft Center on Strategy and Security; Atlantic Council.
*VOGEL, Ezra F. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences, and Director, John K. Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University, Boston.
*WALKER, Richard L. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; James F. Byrnes Professor Emeritus and Ambassador-in-Residence, Institute of International Studies, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.; former U.S. Ambassador to Korea.
WEATHERSBY, Kathryn ICAS Fellow; Senior Associate, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C.
WEITZ, Richard ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Political-Military Analysis, Hudson Institute.
WEST, Alfred P, Jr. ICAS Fellow; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, SEI Investments.
WI, Sung Lac. ICAS Fellow; Ambassador and Visiting Scholar, Seoul National University.
WILDER, Dennis ICAS Fellow; Assistant Professor, Georgetown University; former NSC Special Assistant to the President.
WORTZEL, Larry M. ICAS Fellow; US-China Economic and Security Review Commission.
XUE, Mouhong P, Jr. ICAS Fellow; Dean of College of Economics and Finance, Xi'an Jiaotong University and Professor of Institute of International Studies, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
YOO, Christopher S. ICAS Fellow; Professor, University of Pennsylvania Law School
YOO, Jeh Seung. ICAS Fellow; Lt General (Ret) Republic Of Korea Army
YOO, John C. ICAS Fellow; Professor of Law, Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley; former Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, United States Department of Justice.
YOON, Sang Hyun. ICAS Fellow; Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs and Unification, National Assembly, Republic of Korea.
YU, Miles M. ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute; Visiting Fellow at Hoover Institute; Professor, United States Naval Academy
YUN, Byung Se. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; former Foreign Minister, Republic of Korea
ZAKHEIM, Dov S. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Senior Advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; Senior Fellow at the CNA Corporation

* (Deceased)

In Memoriam

*BOSWORTH, Stephen W. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.
*BOUCHER, Jerry D. ICAS Fellow, Director; Adjunct Professor of Psychology (Ret), University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California.
*CHANCE, Britton ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Eldridge Reeves Johnson University Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics, Physical Chemestry and Radiologic Physics, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.
*CHANDRAVITHUN, Nikom ICAS Fellow; Professor and Fellow, Royal Institute and Judicial Council, Grand Palace, Bangkok, Thailand.
*CHUN, Shinae ICAS Fellow; Director of the Women's Bureau, U. S. Dept. of Labor.
*EISNER, Robert ICAS Distinguished Fellow; William R. Kenan Professor of Economics Emeritus, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.
*HALPIN, Dennis P. ICAS Fellow; Pearson Fellow, Committee on International Relations, U S House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.
*HARRISON, Selig S. ICAS Fellow; Director of the Asia Program, Center for International Policy; Senior Scholar, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.
*HURST, G. Cameron III ICAS Fellow; Professor of Japanese and Korean Studies, University of Pennsylvania.
*KLEIN, Lawrence R. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Benjamin Franklin Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Nobel Laureate.
*LEE, Matthew D. ICAS Fellow and Liberty Award Recipient; Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Allied Technology Group, Inc., Rockville, Maryland.
*LILLEY, James R. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Professor of Public Affairs and Director of the Institute for Global Chinese Affairs, Univ Maryland, College Park; former U.S. Ambassador to China and to Korea.
*MEYERSON, Martin ICAS Distinguished Fellow; President Emeritus and University Professor Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania
*OH, Tae Hee ICAS Fellow & Director; Professor; Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut
*PARK, Yoon Shik ICAS Fellow; Professor of International Banking and Finance, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
*PRY, Peter  ICAS Fellow; Executive Director, Task Force on National and Homeland Security.
*SATO, Kazuo ICAS Fellow; Professor of Economics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
*SCALAPINO, Robert A. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Robson Research Professor of Government Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley, California
*SHESTACK, Jerome J. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Partner and head of the Litigation Department of the law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen, Philadelphia, PA.
*VOGEL, Ezra F. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences, and Director, John K. Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University, Boston.
*WALKER, Richard L. ICAS Distinguished Fellow; James F. Byrnes Professor Emeritus and Ambassador-in-Residence, Institute of International Studies, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.; former U.S. Ambassador to Korea.

This page last modified February 4, 2023 rmj