Institute for Corean-American Studies |

Stephen W. Bosworth
Stephen W. Bosworth,
ICAS Distinguished Fellow, Special Envoy
on North Korea, is presently Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy, Tufts University. He served as U. S. Ambassador to the Republic of
Korea (1997-2000), Ambassador to the Philippines (1984-1987) and Ambassador
to Tunisia (1979-1981). Previous Foreign Service assignments include Paris,
Madrid, Panama City, and Washington D C serving as Director of Policy Planning,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, and Director of the Office of Fuels
and Energy. Ambassador Bosworth was Recipient of American Academy of Diplomacy's
Diplomat of the Year Award (1987), Executive Director, Korean Peninsula Energy
Development Organization (KEDO) (1995-1997), President of the United States
Japan Foundation (1987-1995). He taught at Columbia University's School of
International and Public Affairs (1990-1994) and was Linowitz Chair of
International Studies, Hamilton College (1993). Dean Bosworth is Trustee,
Dartmouth College (1992-present) and, Chairman of Board of Trustees (1996-1999).
The Ambassador's research interests include U.S.-Korean, U.S.-Japan, U.S.-Asian
relations, U S Foreign Policy, Interntional Finance and Trade, Energy, Arms
control and Disarmament.
Ambassador Bosworth holds AB and LLD (Hon.), Dartmouth College.
This page last updated 10/10/2010 jdb