Institute for Corean-American Studies |
ICAS Special Presentations
[N.B., | Names are linked to biographic sketchs - Lecture numbers linked to the text - Links are arranged by date of publication - The views expressed are solely of the author and do not reflect those of ICAS staff, Fellows, officers, directors or otherwise. ] |
Shawn P. Creamer | A MATTER OF AUTHORITIES A Study of Command and Control through the Republic of Korea - United States Alliance |
2025-0129-SPC | |
Mark E. Manyin | South Korean Political Crisis: Martial Law and Impeachment | 2024-1231-MEM | |
Robert C O'Brien | The Return of Peace Through Strength | 2024-0618-RCO | |
Wallace "Chip" Gregson | General Walter L. “Skip” Sharp | 2024-0619-WCG | |
Walter "Skip" Sharp | Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness | 2024-0619-WSS | |
Joseph S. Nye | Dilemmas of Deterrence | 2023-0502-JSN | |
Joseph S. Nye | Will the war in Ukraine fuel nuclear proliferation? | 2022-0709-JSN | |
Peter V. Pry | Open Letter to Anti-Nuclear Activists | 2021-0624-PVP | |
Congressional Reserach Center | Nuclear Negotiations with North Korea | 2021-0504-CRS | |
Nicholass Eberstadt | How Biden Can Reduce the North Korean Threat | 2021-0429-NxE | |
William B. Brown | Kim Il Sung’s Land Reform After 75 Years. The Grandson Should Bring It Back. | 2021-0327-WBB | |
Burwell B. Bell | The OpCon Transfer Reality: Facts and Fantasy | 2021-0211-BBB | |
Congressional Reserach Center | South Korea: Background and U.S. Relations | 2021-0202-CRS | |
Richard Lawless | Nuclear North Korea and Japan――The INF Option | 2020-1125-RPL | |
Barnett, D.S. et al. | North Korean Conventional Artillery | 2020-0619-DSB | |
Lamont Colucci | Ghosts of Past Summits: Yalta and Potsdam | 2020-0716-LC | |
John Allen | A Moment of National Shame and Peril--and Hope | 2020-0603-JRA | |
Donald J. Trump | Remarks by President Trump at the 2020 United States Military Academy at West Point Graduation Ceremony |
2020-0613-DJT | |
Matt Pottinger |
Reflections on China's May Fourth Movement: An American Perspective | 2020-0504-MP | |
Walter R. Mebane Jr. |
Anomalies and Frauds in the Korea 2020 Parliamentary Election, SMD and PR Voting | 2020-0515-WRM | |
Walter R. Mebane Jr. |
Anomalies and Frauds in the Korea 2020 Parliamentary Election | 2020-0513-WRM | |
Shawn P. Creamer. |
Time to Reassess the United States/Republic of Korea Mutual Defense Treaty | 2017-0101-SPC | |
Walter R. Mebane Jr. |
Frauds in the Korea 2020 Parliamentary Election | 2020-0429-WRM | |
Audry Kurth Cronin |
The Age of Open Assassination | 2020-0119-AKC | |
Patrick M. Cronin |
Korea's Endless Search for Peace | 2020-0324-PMC | |
Shawn P. Creamer |
Joint and Multinational Theater Headquarters in Korea: History, Organization and Manpower Activities | 2020-0106-SPC | |
Andrew Appel, Richard DeMillo, & Philip B. Stark |
Ballot-Marking Devices (BMDs) Cannot Assure the Will of The Voters | 2019-1227-RAD | |
--------- | Letter to Trump | 2019-1120--- | |
Ashley Townshend Brendan Thomas-Noone Matilda Steward |
Averting Crisis: American strategy, military spending and collective defence in the Indo-Pacific | 2019-0819-TTS | |
Jwa, Sung-Hee | On Trumponomics as a challenge to the mainstream economics. | 2019-0709-SHJ | |
Dong Bok Lee | Message of the National Alliance of High School Alumni of the Republic of Korea to the U.S. Forces in Korea Commemorating the 69th Anniversary of Task Force Smith's Encounter with North Korean Forces at Jookmiryeong on July 5, 1950. |
2019-0705-DBL | |
Robert S. Kim | The Original Free Joseon, and the Real Mr. Sunshine: Ilhan New, a Korean-American Intelligence Agent of the Second World War. |
2019-0503-RSK | |
Department of Defense | Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2019 |
2019-0503-DOD | |
Kyung Won Na | We Will Restore The Crumbling Principles Of The Constitution With The Korean People | 2019-0312-NKW | |
In Ho Lee | Liberal Democracy under Attack in the Republic of Korea – An Insider’s Testimony | 2018-1012-IHL | |
Joseph Kim | Marketization in North Korea is Corrupting the Corrupted | 2018-Fall-JK | |
Bruce W. Bennett | Alternative Paths to Korean Unification | 2018-0101-BWB | |
David Lee | The Myths of Success: The Perpetual Cycle of Ethnic Expectations | 2018-0913-DL | |
Dennis Halpin | Trump to Shake Kim Jong Un's Hand on One Year Anniversary of Return Home of American in a Coma: RIP Otto Warmbier |
2018-0610-DPH | |
Ron Dermer | RSVP- 70 years of Israel's independence | 2018-0517-RD | |
Larry Niksch | Suggested U.S. Negotiating Strategy for a Trump-Kim Summit | 2018-0506-LAN | |
Kun Il Yoo | Who is going to collapse first: Seoul or Pyongyang? | 2018-0325-KIY | |
Dong-bok Lee | Mounting Risks Confronting Moon's Nuclear 'Shuttle' Diplomacy | 2018-0312-DBL | |
Bill Streifer | Stop firing, you bastards! The Seizure of the USS Pueblo -- The NSA's Uncensored Version | 2018-0105-B_S | |
Wada Haruki | The US-North Korean Crisis and Japan's Responsibility | 2017-1120-H_W | |
CRS | The North Korean Nuclear Challenge: Military Options and Issues for the Congress | 2017-1106-CRS | |
David S. Maxwell | Two papers on North Korea | 2017-1016-DSM | |
Larry A. Niksch | Succeeding in Securing an Oil Cutoff of North Korea | 2017-0919-LAN | |
Uzi Rubin |
Pyongyang Intercontinental Inc. | 2017-0628-UxR | |
Joseph Bosco |
Response to Six Experts' Letter to President Trump | 2017-0628-JAB | |
Robert L. Gallucci and Others |
Six Experts' Letter to President Trump Regarding North Korea | 2017-0628-RLG | |
In Ho Lee |
Where Is Korea Going? | 2017-0301-IHL | |
John K. Warden |
North Korea's Nuclear Posture: An Evolving Challenge for U.S. Deterrence. | 2017-0301-JKW | |
Shawn P. Creamer | The United Nations Command and the Sending States | 2017-0101-SPC | |
Jong-Hoon Kim |
Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement | 2016-1011-JHK | |
Rebeccah L. Heinrichs |
North Korea - A Crisis for the Next President | 2016-1007-RLH | |
William R McKinney |
Warning: The Korean Peninsula is Falling into Disequilibrium | 2016-0916-WRM | |
Robert Einhorn and Duyeon Kim |
Will South Korea Go Nuclear? | 2016-0815-EAK | |
Carson Holloway |
Tocqueville on Christianity and American Democracy | 2016-0307-CxH | |
Larry A. Niksch | Responding to North Korea's Nuclear and Missile Test: Ending the U.N. Security Council Pretense |
2016-0225-LAN | |
Shawn P. Creamer | Theater-level Command and Alliance Decison-Making Architecture in Korea | 2016-0101-SPC | |
James A. Bosco | China's Complicity in North Korea's Nuclear Program: Henry Kissinger for the Defense | 2015-1014-JAB | |
Ken E. Gause | North Korea's Provocation and Escalation Calculus: Dealing with the Kim Jong-un Regime | 2015-0801-KEG | |
Ilan Berman | The Iran--North Korea Strategic Alliance | 2015-0728-IIB | |
Larry Niksch | The Iran--North Korea Strategic Alliance | 2015-0728-LAN | |
Jim Walsh | The Iran--North Korea Strategic Alliance | 2015-0728-JxW | |
Bruce Klingner | South Korea Needs THAAD Missile Defense | 2015-0612-BxK | |
Congressional Record Service |
US-South Korea Relations | 2015-0611-CRS | |
Hwee-Rhak Park | South Korea's Defense Posture against North Korean Nuclear Threat: Dangerous Reluctance | 2015-0601-HRP | |
Grace M. Kang | Seeking Legitimate Governance of the Korean Peninsula | 2015-0508-GMK | |
Yŏng ho Ch'oe | Japan's 1905 Incorporation of Dokdo/Takeshima: A Historical Perspective | 2015-0304-YHC | |
Mi Ae Choo |
Address to the ICAS Delegation | 2014-0709-MAC | |
Human Rights Council | Report of the commission of inquiry on human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea | 2014-0207-UNA | |
Human Rights Council | Report of the detailed findings of the commission of inquiry on human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
2014-0207-UNB | |
Daniel Aum Greg Scarlatoiu Amanda Mortwedt Oh |
Crimes Against Humanity in North Korea: The Case for U.S. Leadership and Action | 2014-1219-DxA | |
Daniel Aum | DPRK Government Before the International Criminal Court: The Cheonan and Yeonpyeong Island Attacks | 2012-1130-DxA | |
Grace M. Kang | Legitimacy and Justice on the Korean Peninsula | 2014-1118-GMK | |
David Scheffer & Grace M. Kang |
North Korea's Criminal Regime | 2006-0706-GMK | |
Grace M. Kang | A Case for the Prosecution of Kim Jong Il for Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide, and War Crimes | 2006-0522-GMK | |
The Hon Song Ryol Han | Road to Peace in the Korean Peninsula | 2005-1027-SRH | |
Bill Streifer & Nam Sang-so |
In a North Korean Nuclear Defector's Own Words | 2014-1020-BxS | |
U.S. Senators | Letter to Japanese Prime Minister Abe | 2014-0715-SEN | |
Congressional Research Service |
US-South Korea Relations | 2014-0624-CRS | |
Jin Pyuo Lee | Government Mandated Resource Circulation for Recycling Metal Cans in South Korea | 2014-0321-JPL | |
Daniel R. Russel | Assessing Threats Facing the U.S.-Korean Alliance | 2014-0618-DRR | |
Jin-hyun Kim | Korea- Japan - US Value Alliance | 2014-0612-JHK | |
Larry A. Niksch | Six Reasons Why Japan Should Propose Taking the Senkakus Issue to the International Court of Justice | 2014-0502-LAN | |
Geun Hye Park & Barak Obama |
Press conference, Seoul, April 25, 2014 | 2014-0425-OxP | |
Geun Hye Park | An Initiative for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula. Dresden - beyond division, toward integration | 2014-0328-GHP | |
Seiji Maehara | Japan's Foreign and Economic Policies: Assessing the Abe Administration | 2014-0314-SJM | |
Daniel R. Russel | Opportunities and Challenges in the U.S.-Japan and U.S.-Republic of Korea Alliances | 2014-0304-DRR | |
Ye Ra Kim | Before Dark Seoul Becomes Destroy Seoul | 2014-0214-YRK | |
Department of Defense | Military and Security Developments Involving the Democratic People's Republic of Korea | 2014-0204-DOD | |
Larry Niksch | Responding to the Abe Visit to Yasukuni: The Park Initiative and Beyond | 2014-0129-LAN | |
Emma Chanlett-Avery & Ian E. Rinehart |
North Korea: U.S. Relations, Nuclear Diplomacy, and Internal Situation | 2014-0115-ECA | |
Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj | Speech at Kim Il Sung University | 2013-1031-TxE | |
Patric M. Cronin | Strategic Rebalance Toward Asia | 2013-0724-PMC | |
Barack Obama | Obama Proclaims National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day | 2013-0727-BHO | |
Chuck Hagel | Korean War Armistice 60th Anniversary | 2013-0727-CTH | |
Park Geun Hye | Remarks to Joint Session of United States Congress | 2013-0508-GHP | |
Peter R. Huessy | The World's Cop goes on Coffee Break | 2013-0617-PRH | |
Sang Hyun Song | Pursuing Universal Acceptance of the Rome Statute and Other Challenges for the Evolving System of International Criminal Justice |
2013-0211-SHS | |
Committee on Foreign Relations |
China's Impact on Korean Peninsula Unification and Questions for the Senate |
2012-1211-CFR | |
Alexis Dudden | Korea-Japan Standoff: Why Americans Should Care | 2012-0914-ABD | |
Seiji Maehara | Japan's Security Policy and the U.S. Rebalance to the Asia Pacific | 2012-0912-SJM | |
Larry Niksch | When North Korea Mounts Nuclear Warheads on Its Missiles | 2011-1230-LAN | |
Mark M. Manyin | Kim Jong-il's Death: Implications for North Korea's Stability and U.S. Policy | 2011-1222-MEM | |
Jin Ha Hwang | Strategic Views of the ROK-US Alliance | 2011-0613-JHH | |
Yoshi Yamamoto | TAKEN! North Korea's Criminal Abduction of Citizens of Other Countries | 2011-0512-YxY | |
Henry S. Choi | The Impact of Japanese Nationalism on the Non-Japanese Victims of Atomic Bombs | 2011-0501-HSC | |
Jin Seock Shin | The West's Feet of Clay: Transmuting the Pillars of Liberty from Gold into Dross | 2011-0501-JSS | |
Hannah Fischer | North Korean Provocative Actions, 1950 - 2007 | 2011-0219-HxF | |
Matthew D. Lee | Korean American Scholarship Foundation Speech | 2010-0912-MDL | |
Joe Lieberman | Senators Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Pledging Solidarity with South Korea | 2010-0513-JIL | |
Nicholas Eberstadt | The North Korea Endgame | 2010-0430-NxE | |
Tong Kim | Requisites for North Korea's Denuclearization | 2010-0422-TxK | |
Kurt M. Campbell | Regional Overview of East Asia and the Pacific | 2010-033-KMC | |
Mary Beth Nikitin | North Korea's Second Nuclear Test: Implications of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1874 | 2010-0226-MBN | |
Robert P. Casey | U.S. National Security and Our Nuclear Weapons Complex | 2010-0224-RPC | |
Dick K. Nanto | China-North Korea Relations | 2010-0122-DKN | |
Stephen W. Bosworth | North Korea: Back at the Brink? | 2009-0611-SWB | |
Kurt M. Campbell | Statement before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee | 2009-0610-KMC | |
SFCC | SFCC Demands N. Korea Free Two U.S. Journalists | 2009-0508-SFC | |
Tong Kim | Response to the comments by Kim Myong Chol | 2009-0127-TxK | |
Jay P. Lefkowitz | Final Report of Jay Lefkowitz | 2009-0117-JPL | |
Kim Myong Chol | Comments on Tong Kim's paper of Obama's Options on North Korea | 2009-0128-KMC | |
Tong Kim | Obama's Options on North Korea | 2009-0128-TxK | |
Nicholas Eberstadt | What Went Wrong? The Bush administration's failed North Korea policy | 2009-0126-NxE | |
Erian A. Idrissov | Kazakhstan's Contribution to the Strengthening of International Security | 2008-1014-EAI | |
Orrin G. Hatch | Statement of Sen. Orrin G. Hatch before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary on the nomination of Grace Chung Becker to be Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights |
2008-0311-OGH | |
Larry Niksch | North Korea: Terrorism List Removal? | 2007-1211-LAN | |
Jeffrey T. Bergner | Letter from Ass't Secretary Bergner to Congressman Markey | 2007-1106-JTB | |
Edwin J. Markey | Letter from Congressman Markey to Secretary Rice | 2007-1003-EJM | |
Caroline Glick | Our World: Recognizing the axis of evil | 2007-0917-CxG | |
Daniel L. Glaser | Treasury Statement on the Disposition of North Korea-Related Funds Frozen at Banco Delta Asia | 2007-0319-DLG | |
Stuart A. Levey | Treasury Finalizes Rule Against Banco Delta Asia: BDA Cut Off From U.S. Financial System | 2007-0314-SAL | |
Geun Hye Park | The Republic of Korea and the United States: Our Future Together | 2007-0212-GHP | |
Geun Hye Park | The North Korean Nuclear Issue and A New Vision for the Korea-US Alliance | 2007-0214-GHP | |
Dennis P. Halpin | Japanese Views of Their Nation's Historic Legacy from World War II | 2006-1113-DPH | |
Dennis P. Halpin | Findings of Staff Delegation Visit to Urumqi, PRC, May 30-June 2, 2006 | 2006-1030-DPH | |
Dennis P. Halpin | After the Bomb Was Over: Coordinating Proliferation Strategy in Northeast Asia Following the North Korean Nuclear Test. |
2006-1012-DPH | |
Ki Moon Ban | Statement at the United Nations | 2006-0922-KMB | |
Henry J. Hyde | Remarks Following Wreath Laying at Statue of General Douglas MacArthur. | 2006-0811-HJH | |
James A. Leach | Comments to the Conference on Power and Super Power: Global Leadership in the 21st Century | 2006-0606-JAL | |
You Chan Kevin Chung | Modeling South Korea's Economy: Model Comparison of Simple ARMA (1,1) vs. High Frequency Principal Component Analysis in Forecasting South Korea's GDP |
2006-0522-KYC | |
Matthew Spalding | Making Citizens: The Case for Patriotic Assimilation | 2006-0316-MxS | |
Mark E. Manyin | South Korea-U.S. Economic Relations: Cooperation, Friction, and Prospects for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) |
2006-0209-MEM | |
Dennis P. Halpin | The Trojan Horse: Pyongyang's Successful Propaganda Campaign to Win the Hearts of South Koreans and Undermine the U.S.-ROK Alliance |
2005-1007-DPH | |
Nicholas N. Eberstadt | North Korea Triumphs Again in Diplomacy | 2005-0930-NxE | |
Nicholas N. Eberstadt | A Skeptical View | 2005-0921-NxE | |
PRC Foreign Ministry | Joint Statement of the Fourth Round of the Six-Party Talks | 2005-0919-PRC | |
Donald Kirk | Bring Up Human Rights in Talks With North Korea | 2005-0919-DxK | |
Henry J. Hyde | Letter to President Roh Moo Hyun Re MacArthur Statue | 2005-0915-HJH | |
Dennis P. Halpin | John Paul II, South Korea, and Regime Change in North Korea: Be Not Afraid | 2005-0430-DPH | |
Donald Kirk | Flash points: History troubles Japan, Korea ... | 2005-0330-Dxk | |
Doug Bandow | The Future of the U.S.-ROK Alliance: Equality, Mutuality, and International Security | 2005-0325-DxB | |
Dennis P. Halpin | Alliance at Risk: How the U.S. Congress Currently Views U.S.-Korean Relations | 2005-0325-DPH | |
James R Lilley | The Korean Peninsula: Six Party Talks and the Nuclear Issue | 2005-0310-JRL | |
Henry J. Hyde | The Korean Peninsula: Six Party Talks and the Nuclear Issue | 2005-0310-HJH | |
Donald Kirk | Seoul's Nuclear Amnesia | 2005-0224-DxK | |
Nicholas N. Eberstadt | Kim's Nuclear Winter | 2005-0214-NxE | |
Government of Japan | Japanese National Defense Program Guideline, FY 2005 - | 2005-0205-NaM | |
Robyn Lim | Geostrategic Trends in Asia | 2005-0106-RxL | |
Nicholas Eberstadt | Tear Down This Tyranny | 2004-1201-NxE | |
Jeong-Woo Kil | Global Eye:Nation, not race, is important | 2004-1018-JWK | |
Robyn Lim | Why is Koizumi going to Pyongyang? | 2004-0514-RxL | |
David Scofield | Korea-Centrism and the Foreign 'Threat' | 2004-0115-DxS | |
George V. Savvaides | "Greece in the New Millenimum" Aspects of Greece's Foreign Policy: Europe, the USA, and the Eastern Mediterranean on the Eve of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. |
2004-0113-GVS | |
Yeri Kim | The Debate Over Seoul's US Embassy: Exploring 120 Years of US-ROK Relations. | 2003-1208-YRK | |
Senate Staff | Six Party Talks and the North Korean Nuclear Issue. | 2003-1114-USS | |
Harold Hongju Koh | Rights to Remember. | 2003-1101-HHK | |
CHRNK | The Hidden Gulag: Exposing North Korea's Prison Camps. | 2003-1022-CHR | |
Norbert Vollertsen | South Korea's Spoilers. | 2003-0827-NxV | |
Arlen Specter | The Court of Last Resort. | 2003-0807-AxS | |
Stefano Stefanini | "Italy in the New Millennium" and remarks on the upcoming EU Italian Presidency. | 2003-0619-SxS | |
Don Kirk | The South Korean Spy Chief Who Paved the Way for Thaw With North. | 2003-0609-DxK | |
Ra Jong Yil | Engagement with the North: Step by step to one Korea. | 2003-0513-RJY | |
Jeong-Woo Kil | Global Eye: Why nobody understands us. | 2003-0507-JWK | |
Alexandre Y. Mansourov | North Korea Crossed the Nuclear Rubicon: Is War Inevitable?. | 2003-0426-AYM | |
Alexandre Y. Mansourov | North Korea Is Poised To Cross The Nuclear Rubicon: Will The Canary Die In The Mine? | 2003-0423-AYM | |
Doug Bandow | N. Korea Is No Place to Apply Iraq 'Lessons'. | 2003-0422-DxB | |
Chalmers Johnson | Korea, South and North, at Risk. | 2003-0417-CxJ | |
Robyn Lim | Japan as the 'New South Korea?. | 2003-0305-RxL | |
Roh Moo-hyun | A New Takeoff Toward an Age of Peace and Prosperity. | 2003-0225-RMH | |
Seok Hyun Hong | Korea-U.S. Relations: Shared Challenges and Tasks for the Future. |
2003-0211-SHH | |
Richard V. Allen | Seoul's Choice: The U.S. or the North . |
2003-0116-RVA | |
Claudia Rosett | Insane Asylum Policy: The U.N. nurtures terrorists and lets real refugees fend for themselves. |
2003-0108-CxR | |
Don Kirk | Moo Hyun Roh: South Korea's President-Elect |
2002-1223-DxK | |
Suchan Chae | Strategizing Economic Cooperation. | 2002-1212-SCC | |
Henry J. Hyde | Remarks to Tsinghua University. | 2002-1210-HJH | |
Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences | International Conference on International Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Cooperation | 2002-1114-SAS | |
Yang Sung Chul | Republic of Korea's Position on North Korea's Nuclear Issue. | 2002-1017-SCY | |
Marcus Noland | West-Bound Train Leaving the Station: Pyongyang on the Reform Track. |
2002-1014-MxN | |
Marcus Noland | The Impact of Korean Immigration on the U. S. Economy. | 2002-1010-MxN | |
Shinae Chun | Remarks. | 2002-0817-SAC | |
Mong-Joon Chung | A Vision for Korea in the 21st Century. | 2002-0801-MJC | |
Lord Goldsmith | Common Law Common Bond. | 2002-0703-LxG | |
Albert M Rosenblatt | Response to Lord Goldsmith. | 2002-0703-AMR | |
Aidan Foster-Carter | South Korea and Japan: High time these neighbors put future before past. |
2002-0530-AFC | |
Marcus Noland | Economic Reform in South Korea: An Unfinished Legacy. |
2002-0403-MxN | |
Henry J. Hyde | The U.S., China, and the Future of East Asia. | 2002-0306-HJH | |
William B. Brown | Savings and Investment in the Korean Economy: Kim Dae-jung's Reforms and the Challenges Ahead. |
2002-0225-WBB | |
Tim Beal | Digital Divide on the Korean Peninsula: Constructive Engagement Offers Solutions. |
2002-0218-TxB | |
Hoi Chang Lee | Korea at the Crossroads: The Challenges Ahead |
2002-0123-HCL | |
George W. Bush | Address to a Joint Session of Congress | 2001-0920-GWB | |
Steven C. Clemons | Recovering Japan's Wartime Past - and Ours | 2001-0904-SCC | |
Jerome J. Shestack | Judaism and Fundamental Human Rights | 2001-0524-JJS | |
Larry M. Wortzel | Why North Korea Should Sign a Peace Treaty with the U.N., Not the U.S. | 2001-0517-LMW | |
Andrea Campana | Warren I. Cohen, East Asia at the Center. Four Thousand Years of Engagement with the World. (A book review) | 2001-0508-AxC | |
C. Sarah Soh | Japan's Responsibility Toward Comfort Women Survivors | 2001-0501-CSS | |
Rosamund Scott | The Pregnant Woman and the Good Samaritan: Can a Woman have a Duty to Undergo a Caesarean Section? |
2001-0420-RoS | |
Stephen Walt | Keeping the World "Off-Balance": Self-Restraint and U.S. Foreign Policy |
2001-0412-StW | |
Thomas E. Graham, Jr | U.S.-Russian Relations | 2001-0315-TEG | |
Henry J. Hyde | Verification is Crucial to Korean Framework | 2001-0313-HJH | |
Doug Bereuter | Perspectives on U.S. National Interests in Asia | 2001-0306-DxB | |
William B. Brown | South Korea: Trying to Avoid a "W" Shaped Cycle |
2001-0228-WBB | |
Edwin J. Feulner | Commemoration of Kim Dae-Jung's Presidency | 2001-0222-EJF | |
George W. Bush | Inaugural Address | 2001-0120-GWB | |
William J. Clinton | Eight Years of Peace, Progress and Prosperity | 2001-0120-WJC | |
Pyong Gap Min | Immigrants' Religion and Ethnicity: A Comparison of Korean Christian and Indian Hindu Immigrants | 2001-0116-PGM | |
Akahisa Nagashima | Advance Toward Power-Sharing: A New Action Plan For The U.S.-Japan Alliance | 2000-1214-AkN | |
William J. Clinton | Appointment By The President of Howard K. Koh to National Cancer Advisory Board. | 2000-1019-WJC | |
Tae-Hee Yoon | Excessive Indebtedness and Corporate Reforms in Korea. | 2000-0624-THY | |
Tao Wenzhao | China's Position Towards the Korean Peninsula. | 2000-1017-WZT | |
In Kee Kim | A Dilemma Facing The Immigrant Church: A Case of Korean - Canadian Experience | 2000-0722-IKK | |
William J. Clinton | Remarks By The President At Korean War Memorial 50th Anniversary Celebration. | 2000-0625-WJC | |
William B. Brown | Commemorating An Unfinished War. | 2000-0622-WBB | |
Douglas H. Paal | Testimony to the Committee on International Relations, March 17, 2000. | 2000-0317-DHP | |
Mitchell B. Reiss | North Korea: Leveraging Uncertainty? | 2000-0316-MBR | |
Rinn S. Shinn | North Korea: Chronology of Provocations, 1950 - 2000 | 2000-0315-RSS | |
Charlene Barshefsky | China's WTO Accession in American Pacific Strategy. | 2000-0229-ChB | |
Don Borrie | Time for New Zealand to Rethink Position on North Korea. | 2000-0117-DxB | |
Tony Hall | Humanitarian Aid to North Korea. | 1999-1027-TPH | |
Rawdon Dalrymple | Will the Geese Get Back in Line? Japan and Southeast Asia in the Financial Crisis. | 1999-1001-RAD | |
Jeb Bush | An A+ Plan for Education. | 1999-923-JEB | |
Mike Honda | Japanese War Crimes. | 1999-826-MiH | |
Rick Santorum | The Necessity of Truth. | 1999-729-RiS | |
Sang Joo Kim | Kim has earned Liberty Medal, yet S. Korea still has far to come.. | 1999-627-SJK | |
Seung Soo Han | Can the Tigers Bounce Back? When? | 1999-427-SSH | |
Elie Wiesel | The Perils of Indifference: Lessons Learned From a Violent Century. |
1999-0412-ElW | |
Harold Hongju Koh | Promoting Human Rights in the Pursuit of Peace: Assessing 20 Years of U.S. Human Rights Policy. | 1999-0317-HHK | |
Akihisa Nagashima | Searching for a Korean-Japanese Strategic Partnership: Nucleus of a Trans-Pacific Security Community. |
1998-1113-AkN | |