Institute for Corean-American Studies |
ICAS Speakers, Discussants, & Contributors
A | |||
Abdulla, Fatima | : | ICAS Special Assistant; Global Business Development, Samsung, Seoul, Korea. | |
Abraham, Lynne | : | District Attorney, City of Philadelphia | |
Abrams, Robert B. | : | General US Army, Commander UNC/CFC/USFK | |
Adelman, Irma | : | Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley | |
Adesnik, David | : | Policy Director, the Foreign Policy Initiative | |
Adler, Enid H | : | Co-Chair, Philadelphia Bar Association International Law Committee | |
Agawa, Naoyuki | : | Minister and Director of the Japan Information and Culture Center, Embassy of Japan, Washington, D. C. | |
Ahn, Ho Young | : | ICAS Fellow; President, University of North Korean Studies; Former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Republic of Korea to the United States of America, Washington, D. C. | |
Ahn, Minyoung | : | Legislative assistant to an Assemblyman Kim Byung Joo of the ROK National Assembly; (Ret) ROK AF Captain | |
Aida, Hiro | : | Washington Bureau Chief, Kyodo News, Washington, D. C. | |
Albright, David | : | ICAS Fellow, President and Chairman of the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), Washington, D.C. | |
Alemán,Eugenio J. | : | Director, Latin America Services, WEFA Group | |
Allen, John R. | : | President, Brookings Institution; retired U.S. Marine Corps four-star general. | |
Allen, Richard V. | : | Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution. | |
Anderson, Desaix | : | Executive Director, KEDO | |
Anderson, Douglas C. | : | Counsel, Committee on International Relations and Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, United States House of Representastives | |
Anderson, Gerald C. | : | Director, Office of Peacekeeping, Sanctions & Counter-terrorism, International Organizations Affairs, US Department of State | |
Anthony, Lee K. | : | Founder/Head of School, The American Academy, Conshohocken, PA. | |
Arvizu, Alexander A. | : | Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, United States Department of State. | |
Aum, Daniel | : | ICAS Associate; Legal Fellow, International Strategic Litigation Unit, Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights. | |
Awanohara, Susumu | : | Research Advisor & Editor, Nikko Capital Trends, Nikko Research Center America, Washington, D. C. | |
Azizov, Iskander | : | Counselor for Asia and Pacific Affairs, Embassy of Russian Federation, Washington, D. C. | |
B | |||
Baker, Rodger. | : | Vice President of Strategic Intelligence, STRATFOR | |
Ban, Ki-Moon. | : | Secretary General, The United Nations. | |
Bandow, Doug. | : | Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; columnist with Copley News Service. | |
Bang, Joon J. | : | President, the Korean American Youth Foundation, New York. | |
Barshefsky, Charlene | : | Ambassador, U.S. Trade Representative | |
Beal, Tim | : | School of Marketing and International Business, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand | |
Bechtol, Bruce E. Jr. | : | ICAS Fellow; Professor of Political Science, Angelo State University. | |
Becker, Grace Chung | : | ICAS Fellow and Liberty Award Recipient, Acting Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights,
United States Department of Justice. | |
Behn, Sharon | : | Reporter, Agence France Presse. | |
Bell, Burwell B. | : | ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow and ICAS Liberty Liberty Award Recipient, Retired United States Army four star general. | |
Beltran-del-Rio, Abel | : | Founder & President, CIEMEX / WEFA Group, Philadelphia. | |
Bennett, Bruce W. | : | Fellow, ICAS; Senior Defense Analyst, The RAND Corporation . | |
Bereuter, Doug | : | Member, U. S. House of Representatives. | |
Bergner, Jeffrey T. | : | Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, United States Department of State. | |
Bevilacqua, Gabriel L.I. | : | ICAS Fellow, Chancellor Philadelphia Bar Association. | |
Blair, Dennis C. | : | ICAS Annual Liberty Award 2016 Reciprient and ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow, Chairman of the Board and CEO Sasakawa USA. | |
Blumenthal, Dan | : | Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. | |
Bob, Daniel | : | Principal, Canonbury Advisors LLC; former Professional Staff, US Senate. | |
Bolton, John | : | Ambassador; Foundation for American Security & Freedom | |
Borrie, Don | : | Chairperson, NZ-DPRK Society | |
Borthwick, Mark | : | Director, United States Asia Pacific Council, East-West Center | |
Bosco, Joseph | : | Fellow, ICAS; Senior Associate, Center for Strategic and International Studies; member, U.S.-China Task Force, Center for the National Interest. | |
Bosworth, Stephen W. | : | Dean, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. | |
Boucher, Jerry | : | ICAS Fellow & Director for Systems Management; Independant Scholar, Carlsbad CA. | |
Bowser, Charles W. | : | President, Bowser & Weaver, Philadelphia. | |
Boyle, Brendan F. | : | US Congressman (PA-13). | |
Brady, Robert A. | : | United States Representative: D-1st-PA. | |
Bray, Scott W. | : | National Intelligence Manager for East Asia, Office of the Director of National Intelligence. | |
Brock, Samuel V. | : | Deputy Director, Office of United Nations Political Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, U. S. Department of State. | |
Brooks, Vincent | : | US Army General (Ret); Former Commander UNC/CFC/USFK | |
Brookes, Peter T R | : | Principal Advisor for East Asian Affairs, Republican Staff, International Relations Committee, U. S. House of Representatives. | |
Brown, Michael S. | : | President, American Chamber of Commerce in Korea, Seoul | |
Brown, Ronald T. | : | ICAS Fellow, Professor of Public Health, Psychology and Pediatrics and Dean, College of Health Professions, Temple University. | |
Brown, William B. | : | Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Economics, National Intelligence Council; Senior International Economist, U. S. Department of Commerce | |
Bucci, Steven | : | Director, Douglas & Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, Heritage Foundation. | |
Buira, Ariel | : | ICAS Fellow; Board of Governors, Banco de Mexico, Mexico; former IMF Executive Director | |
Busby, Scott. | : | Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, U.S. Department of State, Washington D.C. | |
Bush, George W. | : | President of the United States of America. | |
Bush, Richard C. | : | Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution; Director, Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies. | |
Butler, Patrick. | : | Vice president, the Washington Post Company | |
Byrne, Thomas J. | : | Moody's Investor's Service | |
C | |||
Campana, Andrea | : | Educandato SS. Annunziata, Firenze Italia | |
Campbell, Kurt M. | : | ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow and Liberty Awardee; Chairman and CEO The Asia Group LLC. | |
Carafano, James J. | : | Deputy Director, Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies and Director, Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, The Heritage Foundation. | |
Carpenter, Ted Galen | : | ICAS Fellow; Vice President for Defence and Foreign Policy, Cato Institute, Washington, D. C. | |
Casey, Robert P. Jr. | : | United States Senator | |
Cha, Michael D. | : | ICAS Intern. | |
Cha, Victor D. | : | ICAS Fellow; Professor and Director of Asian Studies, Georgetown University., Washington, DC | |
Chabot, Steve | : | Chairman, Subcommitte on Asia and the Pacific, House Committee on Foreign Affairs, United States House of Representatives, Washington, DC | |
Chacker, Edward F. | : | Chancellor, Philadelphia Bar Association | |
Chae, Hae Jo | : | ICAS Intern | |
Chae, Hwa Kyung | : | ICAS Intern | |
Chae, Su Chan | : | Fellow, ICAS; Professor and Dean of the Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea. | |
Chambers, John | : | Deputy Head, Sovereign Ratings, Standard & Poor's | |
Chan, Alex | : | Special Attaché to the Commissioner for the ICAS Liberty Tennis Classic; Community Tennis Representative, United States Tennis Association. | |
Chance, Britton | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow & ICAS Liberty Award recipient; Eldridge Reeves Johnson University Professor Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania. | |
Chang, Gordon G. | : | Author. | |
Chao, Elaine L. | : | ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow & ICAS Liberty Award recipient; Secretary, United States Department of Labor | |
Chen, Jian | : | ICAS Fellow; Professor of History, Southern Illinois University | |
Cheng, Dean | : | Research Fellow, Asian Studies Center, Heritage Foundation | |
Chew, Beng Yong | : | Deputy Director, Asia and Pacific Division, Department of Political Affairs, United Nations | |
Cho, Hyun Binn. | : | ICAS Intern; Ph.D. candidate, University of Pennsylvania. | |
Cho, Joseph M. | : | ICAS Youth Excellence Program. | |
Cho, Judy | : | Violinist. | |
Cho, Taeyong | : | ICAS Fellow; Member, National Assembly, Republic of Korea | |
Ch'oe, Yŏng ho | : | Professor of Korean history, University of Hawai'i. | |
Choi, Henry S. | : | ICAS Intern. | |
Choi, Hyuck | : | Minister for Economic Affairs, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Washington, D. C. | |
Choi, Jongmoo Jay | : | Professor of Finance and International Business, Temple University | |
Choi, Yearn Hong | : | Poet, Writer, and Commentator | |
Choi, Young Mi | : | Pianist. | |
Choinhor, Jalbuu | : | Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to the United States | |
Choo, Mi Ae | : | Member of the National Assembly, The New Politics Alliance for Democracy, Republic of Korea | |
Chopra, Ajai | : | Division Chief, Asia and the Pacific Department, IMF | |
Chow, Gregory C. | : | Professor Economics, Princeton University | |
Chu, David S. C. | : | President of the Institute for Defense Analyses | |
Chun, A. Marisa. | : | Deputy Associate Attorney General, United States Department of Justice | |
Chun, Danny K. | : | Acting Justice, New York State Supreme Court | |
Chun, In Bum | : | ICAS Fellow; Lieutenant General (Ret), ROK Army. | |
Chun, Shinae | : | ICAS Fellow; Director of the Women's Bureau, U. S. Dept. of Labor | |
Chung, Bryant | : | Shinae Chun Award -- Libertas, ICAS Youth Excellence Fellowship Awards; Student at Germantown Friends School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. | |
Chung, Chong Wook | : | ICAS Fellow, Inaugural Kim Koo Visiting Professor, Department of Government, Harvard University | |
Chung, Christopher W. | : | ICAS Intern | |
Chung, Jae Ho | : | Associate Professor of International Relations, Seoul National University, Korea | |
Chung, Ji Yung | : | Professor of Economics, Chonbuk National University, Korea | |
Chung, Kevin Y C | : | 2006 University of Pennsylvania Department of Economics; to begin graduate work University of Chicago Department of Statistics | |
Chung, Mong-Joon | : | Member of the Korean National Assembly, Chairman of Hyundai Heavy Industries, Co-Chairman of the Korean Organizing Committee for the 2002 World Soccer Games in Korea and Japan. | |
Chung, Tong Soo | : | Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) for Service Industries and Finance, International Trade Administration of the United States Department of Commerce | |
Clarke, Jonathan | : | ICAS Fellow; President, American Journalism Foundation, Washington, D.C. | |
Claster, Andrew B. | : | National Intelligence Officer for North Korea, National Intelligence Council. | |
Clemons, Steve C | : | Executive Vice President of the New America Foundation | |
Clifford, Mark L. | : | Chief Asian Correspondent, Business Week, Hong Kong | |
Clinton, William J. | : | President of the United States | |
Colston, Raymond | : | National Intelligence Manager for Korea, Director of National Intelligence | |
Colucci, Lamont | : | ICAS Fellow; Associate Professor, Ripon College | |
Comstock, Barbara | : | Member, United States Congress | |
Connery, William | : | Editor, Asia Pacific Peace Institute | |
Cooper, Henry F. | : | ICAS Fellow; Chairman of High Frontier, Washington, D.C. | |
Cook-Deegan, Robert | : | Director, National Cancer Policy Board, Institute of Medicine and Commission on Life Sciences, National Academy of Sciences | |
Costa, Keith | : | Editor, Inside the Pentagon | |
Costello, Stephen | : | President, ProGlobal Consulting | |
Creamer, Shawn P. | : | Colonel, U. S. Army; U.S. Army War College Fellow to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology | |
Creekmore, Marion V. | : | Distinguished Visiting Professor of History and Political Science, Emory University; Former Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Republic of Maldives. | |
Cronin, Audry Kurth. | : | Director of the Center for Security, Innovation, and New Technology at American University. | |
Cronin, Patrick M. | : | ICAS Fellow; Senior Advisor and Senior Director of the Asia-Pacific Security Program, Center for a New American Security, Washington, D. C. | |
Cutler, Wendy | : | Assistant US Trade Representative for Japan, Korea and APEC Affairs, Washington, D. C. | |
D | |||
Dai, Hai-Lung | : | ICAS Fellow; Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; Laura H. Carnell Professor of Chemistry; Senior Vice Provost for International Affairs, Temple University. | |
Dalrymple, Rawdon | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Chairman, ASEAN Focus Group, Sydney; former Australian Ambassdor to U. S. and to Japan | |
Daly, Robert | : | Director, Kissinger Institute on China and the US, Wilson Center | |
Davidson, Phil | : | Commander, US Indo-Pacific Command; US Navy | |
Dekle, Robert | : | Senior Economist on Korea, Japan, and Indonesia, IMF | |
Delaney, James E. | : | ICAS Advisor to the ICAS Liberty Tennis Board; consultant to the Institute for Defense Analyses. | |
DeLeon, Rudy | : | Senior Vice President, National Security and International Policy, American Progress, Washington, D.C. | |
DeLisle, Jacques | : | Assistant Professor University of Pennsylvania Law School | |
DeMillo, Richard | : | Professor of Computing and Professor of Management; Director, Center for 21st Century Universities, Georgia Institute of Technology. | |
DeMint, James W. | : | President, Heritage Foundation. | |
Denmark, Abraham M. | : | Director of the Asia Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. | |
Dermer, Ron. | : | Ambassador of Israel to the United States. | |
DeTrani, Joseph R. | : | Ambassador and President, Intelligence and National Security Alliance. | |
Diaz, Nelson A. | : | Partner, Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley LLP, Philadelphia; former federal Judge | |
Dinh, Viet D | : | Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Policy, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D C | |
Dobbins, James | : | Senior Fellow and Distinguished Chair in Diplomacy and Security, RAND Corporation | |
Downs, Chuck | : | ICAS Fellow; Author, Over the Line: North Korea's Negotiating Strategy; former senior official of the Pentagon and United States Department of State. | |
Drennan, William D. | : | Program Officer, and Director of Korea Reconciliation Project, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, D. C. | |
Dudden, Alexis. | : | ICAS Fellow; professor of history, University of Connecticut. | |
Dunlop, Becky Norton. | : | Vice President for External Relations, The Heritage Foundation. | |
Duong, Anh N.. | : | Science Advisor to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information, Plans and Strategy and to the Director of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, The Pentagon. | |
Duong, John Quoc. | : | Executive Director, The White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. | |
E | |||
Eaglen, Mackenzie | : | Research Fellow, National Security Studies, Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, The Heritage Foundation. | |
Eberstadt, Nicholas | : | American Enterprise Institute | |
Ein, Mark | : | ICAS Advisor to the ICAS Liberty Tennis Board; investor, entrepreneur and philanthropist. | |
Einhorn, Robert | : | Senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. | |
Engardio, Pete | : | Asia Edition Editor,Business Week | |
Ennis, Peter | : | Editor, The Oriental Economist | |
Evans, Dwight | : | State Representative, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | |
F | |||
Fairfax, Ben F. | : | Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs, United States Embassy, Seoul | |
Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. | : | United States Congressman, American Samoa. | |
Farber, David | : | Chief Technology Officer, Federal Communications Commission; Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Telecommunications Systems, University of Pennsylvania | |
Fattah, Chaka | : | United States Representative: D-2nd-PA. | |
Feulner, Jr. Edwin J. | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow, Liberty Award recipient, & Counsellor; Founder, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C. | |
Fikes, Deborah | : | Executive Director, Ministerial Alliance of Midland, Midland, Texas | |
Fischer, Hannah | : | Information Research, Knowledge Services Group, Congressional Research Service, Washington D.C. | |
Fischer, Lilian | : | President, Fischer Financial Architechts, Ashville, N. C. | |
Fitzpatrick, Mark. | : | Fellow, ICAS; Executive Director, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) | |
Flake, L. Gordon | : | Associate Director of Korea Roadmap Project, U. S. Atlantic Council, Washington, D. C. | |
Fleitz, Fred H. | : | ICAS Fellow; President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy | |
Flournoy, Michèle | : | Co-Founder and Managing Partner, WestExec Advisors | |
Fontaine, Richard | : | President, Center for a New American Security | |
Foster-Carter, Aidan. | : | Honorary senior research fellow in sociology and modern Korea, Leeds University, England. | |
Frank, Ruediger. | : | Fellow, ICAS; Professor, University of Vienna | |
Frankel, Francine R. | : | Professor Director Center Advanced Study India University of Pennsylvania | |
Frenchick, Michael J. | : | Senior Military Intelligence Analyst | |
Friedman, Rochelle S. | : | Appellate Judge, Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania. | |
Franklin-Suber, Stephanie L. | : | Partner, Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP, Philadelphia. | |
Frisch, Seth H. | : | Senior Rabbi of Congregation Tiferes B'nai Israel, Warrington, PA. | |
Fu, Norman | : | U. S. Bureau Chief, China Times | |
Fujisaki, Ichiro | : | Ambassador of Japan to the United States, Washington, D. C. | |
Fukushima, Glen S. | : | Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress | |
Fukuyama, Francis | : | ICAS Fellow; The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D. C. | |
Funabashi, Yoichi | : | Visiting Fellow, The Brookings Institution | |
Funakoshi, Takahiro | : | First Secretary, Embassy of Japan, Washington, D. C. | |
G | |||
Gahan, Christopher | : | Chief of Staff, US Senator Pat Toomey. | |
Gale, Stan | : | Chairman & CEO, The Gale Company. | |
Galli, Suzanne Kim Doud. | : | ICAS Fellow; Surgeon, solo practice in DC and Northern Virginia. | |
Gallington, Daniel. | : | ICAS Fellow; Former Special Assistant for Policy to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld | |
Gallucci, Robert L. | : | Dean, Edmund A Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. | |
Gans, John A Jr. | : | ICAS Fellow; Director of Research and Communications, Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania. | |
Gard, Robert G., Jr. | : | Chairman of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. | |
Garlauskas, Marcus V. | : | National Intelligence Officer for North Korea, National Intelligence Council, Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). | |
Gauci, Glenda | : | Minister Political, Embassy of Australia, Washington, D. C | |
Gause, Ken | : | ICAS Fellow; Director, International Affairs Group, Strategic Studies division, CNA Corporation, Alexandria, VA. | |
Gerlach, Jim | : | United States Representative: R-6th-PA, Washington, D. C | |
Gershman,Carl | : | President, National Endowment for Democracy, Washington, D. C | |
Gill, Bates | : | Senior Fellow Foreign Policy Studies, Director Center Northeast Asian Policy Studies, Brookings Institution | |
Ginsberg, Thomas | : | Reporter, The Philadelphia Inquirer | |
Glaser, Daniel L. | : | Deputy Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes, United States Department of Treasury | |
Glassman, Stephen A. | : | Chairperson, Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | |
Glick, Caroline. | : | Deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post. | |
Goldberg, Philip | : | Ambassador of the US to the Republic of Korea | |
Goldsmith, Lord Peter | : | Her Majesty's Attorney General, London. | |
Goh, Kun | : | Chairman of Green Asia Organization; Former Prime Minister of Korea. | |
Gong, Gerrit W. | : | ICAS Fellow; Freeman Chair in China Studies, and Director, Asian Studies Program, CSIS, Washington, D. C. | |
Gong, Justin H. | : | ICAS Intern. | |
Gordon, James P. | : | Chief Economist on Korea, IMF, Washington, D. C. | |
Graham, Thomas E. Jr. | : | ICAS Fellow; Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | |
Green, Michael J. | : | Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Senior Director for Asian Affairs National Security Council | |
Greenert, Jonathan W. | : | Admiral (Ret); USN | |
Gresser, Edward B | : | Policy Advisor to Ambassador Charlene Barshefski, U. S. Trade Representative | |
Gregson,Wallace C. | : | Lieutenant General US Marine Corps (Retired); Assistant Secretary of Defense Asian & Pacific Security Affairs 2009-2011; Chair, Banyan Analytics. | |
Grobmyer, Mark W. | : | Vice Chairman, CDX International,Chairman & CEO, Commerce International, Inc., Dallas, Texas | |
Guaracao, Hernán Calderón | : | Publisher, AL DÍA, Philadelphia, PA. | |
Guillén, Mauro F. | : | Director, Joseph H. Lauder Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. | |
H | |||
Ha, Jai Ryong | : | ICAS Advisor; Professor, Sunmoon University, Choongnam, South Korea. | |
Ha, Myeng Keun | : | Commissioner, Busan-Jinhae Free Economic Zone Authority (BJFEZA), Korea. | |
Haass, Richard N. | : | President, the Council on Foreign Relations | |
Hahn, Chang Gyu | : | Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. | |
Hahn, Ju Ho | : | ICAS Associate; Senior Advisor, Life Science Technology, Inc. | |
Hahn, Sahang-Hee | : | ICAS Junior Associate. | |
Hall, Tony P. | : | ICAS Liberty Award Recipient ; U. S. Representative) | |
Halper, Stefan | : | ICAS Fellow; Chairman, American Journalism Foundation, Washington, D. C.; former White House official | |
Halpin, Dennis P. | : | ICAS Fellow; Pearson Fellow, Committee on International Relations, U S House of Representatives. | |
Halpin, Sean. | : | Shinae Chun Award -- Veritas, ICAS Youth Excellence Fellowship Awards; Freshman at the University of Mary Washington, Fredricksburg, Virginia. | |
Hamre, John J. | : | ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow and ICAS Liberty Award Recipient; President & CEO, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D C. | |
Han, Linda. | : | CEO, Global Hanin Yundai; Former President, KAAW. | |
Han, John K. | : | Assistant United States Attorney, Washington, D C. | |
Han, Julia K. | : | Vice President for External Affairs, ICAS Liberty Foundation; President and general manager, Sports Connection Inc, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. | |
Han, Seung Soo | : | President of the General Assembly, United Nations, New York. | |
Han, Song Ryol. | : | Deputy Permanent Representative of the DPRK to the United Nations, New York. | |
Harker, Paige | : | ICAS Special Assistant. | |
Harris, Harry B. Jr | : | Admiral, U.S. Navy; Commander US Pacific Command | |
Harrison, Selig S. | : | ICAS Fellow; Director of the Asia Program, Center for International Policy; Senior Scholar, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D. C. | |
Harvey, Thomas (Todd) | : | Country Director for North Korea, Office of Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, Asian and Pacific Affairs, Pentagon | |
Hatch, Orrin G. | : | United States Senator | |
Hayashi, Mary Chung | : | Assistant Majority Whip, California State Assembly | |
He, Yafei | : | Minister-Counselor, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America | |
Healey, Jason. | : | Director, Cyber Statecraft Initiative, the Atlantic Council. | |
Heinrichs, Rebeccah. | : | Fellow, Hudson Institute. | |
Helvey, David F. | : | Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia. | |
Heng, Olivia. | : | Ocean City High School; ICAS Junior Attaché | |
Her, Crystal C. | : | ICAS Volunteer; North Penn High School senior) | |
Hibbitts, Mi Jeong. | : | ICAS Advisor; Director of Global Marketing with PTC International, Washington, D.C. | |
Hilboldt, John Edward. | : | Director of Lectures and Seminars, The Heritage's Foundation, Washington, D.C. | |
Hill, Christopher R. | : | ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow and Liberty Award recipient; Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, United States Department of State, Washington, D.C. | |
Hill, John D. | : | Principal Director for East Asia, Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs, Office of Secretary of Defense, The Pentagon, Washington, D. C.. | |
Hitchens, Theresa. | : | Director, Center for Defense Information. | |
Hix, William | : | Major General, US Army; Director of Strategy, Plans and Policy, Deputy Chief of Staff G-3/5/7, Headquarters for the Department of the Army | |
Hoeffel, Joseph M. III | : | U. S. Representative | |
Holdsman, Kenny | : | President, Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis and Education. | |
Holloway, Carson | : | Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. | |
Holmes, Kim R. III | : | Vice President for Foreign Policy and Defense Policy Studies, and Director of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies at The Heritage Foundation. | |
Hong, Corry | : | ICAS Fellow, ICAS Liberty Award Recipient; Founder, President & CEO, UNICOM Global. | |
Hong, Jeannie J. | : | Judge, Baltimore City District Court, Baltimore, Maryland | |
Hong, Shinae. | : | ICAS Intern. | |
Hong, Seok Hyun | : | Chairman, Publisher and CEO of the JoongAng Ilbo & President of the World Association of Newspapers(WAN) | |
Hoppe, John David | : | Chief of Staff to the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan | |
Horii, Akinari | : | General Manager in the Americas, Bank of Japan | |
Hubbard, Thomas C. | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow and ICAS Liberty Awardee; Ambassador; Senior Advisor of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, Washington, D.C. | |
Huessy, Peter R. | : | ICAS Fellow; President, GeoStrategic Analysis; Senior defense consultant, Air Force Association; National Security Fellow, American Foreign Policy Council. | |
Hugo, Timothy Douglas | : | ICAS Fellow; ICAS Liberty Awardee; Delegate, Virginia House of Delegates, Commonwealth of Virginia | |
Hunter, Helen-Louise | : | Intelligence & Political Analyst. | |
Hurst III, G. Cameron | : | Professor of Japanese and Korean Studies, University of Pennsylvania | |
Hwang, Jin Ha | : | Fellow, ICAS; Member, National Assembly, Republic of Korea. | |
Hynes III, John B. | : | Managing Partner/Principal, The Gale Company | |
I | |||
Idrissov, Erlan A. | : | Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Republic of Kazakakhstan to the United States, Washington D.C. | |
Ido, Kiyoto | : | Minister, Embassy of Japan, Washington D.C. | |
Ikeda, George | : | Civic Leader, Philadelphia, PA. | |
Ip, Gregory. | : | U.S. Economics Editor, The Economist, Washington D.C. | |
Ishii, Masafumi. | : | Minister, Political Section, Embassy of Japan, Washington D.C. | |
Ishimaru, Stuart J. | : | Commissioner, United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)Washington D.C. | |
J | |||
Jaffe, Sam | : | Staff Writer, Business Week | |
Jager, Sheila Miyoshi | : | ICAS Fellow; Professor, East Asian Studies Program, Oberlin College, Oberlin OH. | |
Jang, Jason C. | : | Senior Radiation Specialist, U S NRC | |
Jang, Ryan M. | : | ICAS Special Assistant; Philadelphia, PA | |
Jannuzi, Frank S. | : | ICAS Fellow; President and CEO, The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation | |
Jeffrey, Terence. | : | Editor in Chief, | |
Jeon, Bang Nam | : | Associate Professor of Economics, Drexel University | |
Jeon, Ted T. | : | ICAS Intern; Investment banking analyst, Goldman Sachs, New York. | |
Jeong, JiHee. | : | Soprano; Master's degree candidate, Manhattan School of Music. | |
Jin, Yongjin John | : | Pastor, Philadelphia New Church | |
Johanson, Andrew H. | : | Senior Pastor, Boehm's United Church of Christ, Blue Bell, PA. | |
Johnson, Chalmers | : | President, Japan Policy Research Institute. | |
Johnson, Sara L. | : | Managing Director, Global Macroeconomics Group, Global Insight. | |
Joo, Hyung Min | : | ICAS Associate. | |
Joo, Won-Hong | : | ICAS Advisor to the Board of the ICAS Liberty Tennis Classic. | |
Joseph, Robert | : | Senior Scholar, National Institute for Public Policy. | |
Jung, Seung Jo | : | ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow; Republic of Korea (ROK) Army General (Ret). | |
Jung, Peter | : | ICAS Intern; Student, Business Administration, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. | |
Jwa, Sung-Hee | : | Chairman, The President Park Chung Hee Memorial Foundation, Seoul Korea. | |
K | |||
Kang, Alex W. | : | Cellist. | |
Kang, Grace M. | : | Attorney, Washington D. C. | |
Kang, Brian. | : | ICAS Volunteer, student, Haverford School, Haverford, Pennsylvania. | |
Kang, Hetti S. | : | Information Technology programmer and consultant, Accenture, Philadelphia | |
Kang, Kevin. | : | Education Pastor, Siloam Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, Maryland. | |
Kansal Vinay | : | Senior Economist, Asia Service, WEFA Group, Philadelphia | |
Karako, Thomas O. | : | ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies. | |
Karl, Kurt | : | Executive Vice President, Global Services, WEFA Group | |
Kartman, Charles | : | ICAS Liberty Award recipient; Deputy Assistant Secretary, U. S. Department of State, Washington, D. C. | |
Kato, Yoichi | : | Bureau Chief, American General Bureau, The Asahi Shimbun | |
Kawamura, Takekazu | : | Ambassador & Consul General of Japan, New York | |
Kelly, James A. | : | ICAS Liberty Foundation Dustinguished Fellow and ICAS Liberty Award recipient; Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Washington, D. C. | |
Kerr, Paul. | : | Non-Proliferation Analyst, Arms Control Association, Washington, D. C. | |
Kil, Jeong-Woo | : | Senior Staff Editorial Writer, The JoongAng Daily News,South Korea | |
Kim, Alexander K. | : | Becky Norton Dunlop Award -- Libertas, ICAS Youth Excellence Fellowship Awards; ICAS Volunteer; Junior, Wissahickon High School, Ambler, PA. | |
Kim, Andrew | : | ICAS Intern, Philadelphia PA | |
Kim, Brian G. | : | Judge, District Court of Maryland for Montgomery County, Baltimore, Maryland | |
Kim, Byung Joo | : | Gen (Ret) ROK Army; Assemblyman, ROK National Assembly | |
Kim, Byung Ki. | : | ICAS Fellow; Professor of Politics and International Relations, Founder/Directing Head of International Security Policy Forum, The Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), Senior Fellow The Institute for Sustainable Development, Korea University. | |
Kim, Chi Wan. | : | Commissioner for ICAS Liberty Tennis Classic | |
Kim, Christine. | : | Policy Analyst, Domestic Policy Studies, The Heritage Foundation. | |
Kim, Choong Soo. | : | Governor, Bank of Korea. | |
Kim, David. | : | Clarinetist, Harrington Middle School. | |
Kim, David H. | : | Physician | |
Kim, David L. | : | Director, Asian Marketing and Community Relations,Anheuser-Busch, Inc, St. Louis MO | |
Kim, Djun Kil | : | Minister for Public Affairs, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Washington, D. C. | |
Kim, Duyeon | : | Visiting senior fellow at the Korea Peninsula Future Forum. | |
Kim, Elliot | : | Student, H.W. Longfellow Middle School, Mclean, VA. | |
Kim, Gheewhan | : | Consul General, The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in New York | |
Kim, Hyung Sun | : | ICAS Intern, Student, Villanova University School of Law. | |
Kim, Il Hwan | : | Vice President for Regional Affairs, ICAS Liberty Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. | |
Kim, In Kee | : | Minister of North York Living Stone Presbyterian Church, Ontario, Canada. | |
Kim, Jaechun | : | Director, Sogang Institute of International and Area Studies; Professor, Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), Sogang University. | |
Kim, Jason K. | : | ICAS Intern, Washington D.C. | |
Kim, Jeenie Jee Young | : | ICAS Intern, Philadelphia PA | |
Kim, Jennifer | : | Becky Norton Dunlop Award -- Meritas, ICAS Youth Excellence Fellowship Awards; ICAS Intern; Westtown School 9th grade, Westtown PA | |
Kim, Jeong H. | : | ICAS Fellow & ICAS Liberty Award recipient; President, Carrier Networks Group, Lucent Technologies | |
Kim, Jin Hyun | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Chairman, World Peace Forum | |
Kim, Joseph | : | Assistant, Human Freedom, George W. Bush Presidential Center. | |
Kim, Joseph | : | Tenor. | |
Kim, Jonathan Jung Nam | : | President, Korean-American Association of Greater Philadelphia. | |
Kim, Joon Kyung | : | President, Korea Development Institute / KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Seoul, Republic of Korea. | |
Kim, Joyce | : | Chair, The Korean Women's Support Committee, Philadelphia. | |
Kim, Jung Hoon | : | ICAS Fellow, Member of National Assembly, South Korea. | |
Kim, Michelle | : | Violinist, Washington National Opera Orchestra. | |
Kim, Myong Chol | : | Executive Director, Center for Korean American Peace. | |
Kim, Nikayla | : | Violinist, North Wales, PA. | |
Kim, Patty | : | Councilwoman, Harrisburg, PA | |
Kim, Robert S. | : | ( Bio in preparation) | |
Kim, Sang | : | Community Bank President,Wells Fargo's Delaware Valley North region | |
Kim, Sang Hyup | : | Washington Correspondent, Maeil Business Daily, Seoul | |
Kim, Sang Hun | : | ICAS Director for Corporate Relations, founder and CEO of Global Link Solutions, Inc. (GLS) | |
Kim, Sang Joo | : | ICAS Senior Fellow & Executive Vice President | |
Kim, Sae Kyung | : | President, EXEL Sign Co., Philadelphia PA | |
Kim, Soo | : | Policy analyst, the RAND Corporation and adjunct instructor, American University | |
Kim, Suk_woo | : | Former Vice Minister, National Unification, Korea | |
Kim, Sung Chan. | : | President, Korean-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Washington DC. | |
Kim, Sung Y. | : | Special Envoy for the Six-Party Talks, United States Department of State. | |
Kim, Synja P. | : | ICAS Fellow & President | |
Kim, Tae Woo. | : | Chair and Professor, Dongguk University; Invited Professor, Konyang University, Republic of Korea. | |
Kim, Tong | : | ICAS Fellow, Visiting scholar, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS); Research professor at Korea University's Ilmin Institute of International Relations; Visiting professor at Graduate University of North Korean Studies. | |
Kim, Wan J. | : | ICAS Fellow and Liberty Awardee, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice, Washington, D. C. | |
Kim, Whee Gook | : | President, East-West Research Institute, Washington, D. C. | |
Kim, Ye Ra | : | Student, Columbia University | |
Kim, Yeri | : | ICAS Intern, Philadelphia PA | |
Kim, Young Man | : | Chairman, Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry In USA; Vice Chairman, SK Global America, New York | |
Kim, Yuri | : | Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Albania | |
Kim-Renaud, Young-Key. | : | ICAS Fellow; Chair of the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, George Washington University,Washington D.C. | |
Kimball, Daryl G. | : | Executive Director, Arms Control Association, Washington, D. C. | |
King, Kay Atkinson | : | Director, Office of Interparliamentary Affairs, United States House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. | |
King, Robert R. | : | Ambassador & Special Envoy for North Korea Human Rights Issues. | |
Kirk, Donald | : | ICAS Fellow; Author and Journalist, Washington, D. C. | |
Kirk, Mark | : | U.S. Congressman, R-10-IL, Washington, D. C. | |
Klein, Dale E. | : | Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs, U. S. Department of Defense, Washington, D. C. | |
Klein, Lawrence R. | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow & ICAS Liberty Award recipient; Benjamin Franklin Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania; Nobel Laureate | |
Klingner, Bruce | : | ICAS Fellow; Senior Research Fellow, Asian Studies Center, The Heritage Foundation | |
Koh, Daniel Y. | : | ICAS Intern, freshman, Temple University. | |
Koh, Harold Hongju | : | ICAS Liberty Award recipient, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, U S Department of State. | |
Koh, Hesung Chun | : | Chair and President of East Rock Institute and the Director Emerita of Research and Development, and of East Asian Area Research, HRAF, Yale University. | |
Koh, Lucy H. | : | ICAS Fellow & ICAS Liberty Award recipient; Judge, United States District Court for the Northern District of California | |
Koh, Paul S. | : | ICAS Intern. | |
Komori, Yoshihisa | : | Editor-at-Large, The Sankei Shimbun, Washington, D. C. | |
Koo, Za Woong | : | Managing Director, BT Wolfensohn International, New York | |
Korb, Lawrence J. | : | Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress (CAP); Senior advisor to the Center for Defense Information. | |
Kotabe, Masaaki M | : | Washburn Chair of International Business and Marketing, Temple University | |
Kroenig, Matthew | : | ICAS Fellow; Associate Professor, Department of Government, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University | |
Ku, Jae H. | : | Director, North Korea Initiative, Freedom House, Washington D.C. | |
Kuang, Weilin | : | Minister Counselor, Embassy of China. | |
Kurbanov, Sergei O. | : | ICAS Fellow; Professor, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St Petersburg State University; Director of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Study of Korea, Russia. | |
Kurose, Yoshi | : | Washington DC Bureau Chief of The Sankei Shimbun. | |
Kwack, Sung Yeung | : | Professor of Economics, Howard University. | |
L | |||
LaFleur, Christopher | : | Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian Affairs, U.S. Department of State | |
Laney, James T. | : | Distinguished Fellow, ICAS; President Emeritus, Emory University, Atlanta; former U.S. Ambassador to Korea. | |
Lambert, Mark B. | : | Deputy Assistant Secretary for Japan and South Korea, United States Department of State | |
Lankov, Andrei | : | ICAS Fellow; Professor, Kookmin University, and director of group, Seoul, Korea. | |
Lawless, Richard P. | : | Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State | |
Leach, Jim | : | United States Congressman (R-2nd, IA) | |
Lee, Chang Ryul | : | Executive Director, Korea Trade Promotion Center, New York | |
Lee, Chong Moon | : | ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow and ICAS Liberty Award Honoree; Chairman, AmBex Venture Group; Chairman, Nara Bank. | |
Lee, Chung Soo | : | Director for Public Affairs Council for America My Country (CAMC). | |
Lee, David | : | ICAS Intern. | |
Lee, Dong-bok | : | Senior Research Fellow, New Asia Research Institute (NARI); Former Member, ROK National Assembly | |
Lee, Hoi Chang | : | President of the Grand National Party of South Korea | |
Lee, Hye Min | : | First Secretary, Embassy of Republic of Korea | |
Lee, InSung | : | Senior China/Korea analyst, International Security Affairs, U. S. Department of Defence | |
Lee, Jae Bong | : | Professor of Politics, Wonkwang University, Korea | |
Lee, Janice YunJoo | : | Shinae Chun Award -- Meritas, ICAS Youth Excellence Fellowship Awards; ICAS Volunteer, student, Germantown Friends School, Philadelphia, PA | |
Lee, Jenny J. | : | ICAS Special Assistant; Principal, J & J Design Studio, Philadelphia, PA | |
Lee, Jin Pyuo. | : | ICAS Research Assistant, Philadelphia, PA | |
Lee, John J. | : | Senior Vice President, Scudder Kemper Investment/The Korea Fund | |
Lee, John Z. | : | United States District Judge, United States District Court, Northern District of Illinois | |
Lee, Joseph. | : | Becky Norton Dunlop Award -- Veritas, ICAS Youth Excellence Fellowship Awards; ICAS Volunteer, student,Wissahickon High School, Ambler, Pennsylvania | |
Lee, Kang Kook | : | President Justice, Constitutional Court,Republic of Korea | |
Lee, Kyong Suk | : | Vocalist; Senior accountant, Matthews Carter and Boyce, Washington D.C. | |
Lee, Kyu Boem. | : | Pastor, Germantown Hope Community Church, Philadelphia | |
Lee, Matthew D. | : | ICAS fellow and Liberty Award Recipient; Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Allied Technology Group, Inc., Rockville, Maryland. | |
Lee, Matthew K. | : | Chief Executive Officer of FASTech Inc. | |
Lee, Michelle K. | : | Under Secretary of Commerce, Director United States Patent and Trademark Office | |
Lee, Sang Back | : | Representative, The Heritage Foundation, Seoul | |
Lee, Seo Young | : | Brigadier General, Defense Attache of the Republic of Korea, Washington D.C. | |
Lee, Seong-Hyon | : | ICAS Fellow; Director, Center for Chinese Studies, Sejong Institute, Seoul, Republic of Korea | |
Lee, Suk Goo | : | President, Far Eastern Enterprises, Philadelphia | |
Lee, Sook Jong | : | Senior Fellow, Sejong Institute, Seoul; Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution. | |
Lee, Tae Sik | : | ICAS Liberty Award Recipient; Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the United States of America. | |
Lee, Yuan Tse | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow; President, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; Nobel Laureate | |
Lefkowitz, Jay P. | : | Litigation Partner, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, New York; Former Special Envoy on Human Rights in North Korea, United States Department of State. | |
Levey, Stuart A. | : | Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, United States Department of Treasury. | |
Levin, Murray S. | : | ICAS Fellow; Partner, Pepper Hamilton LLP, Philadelphia. | |
Lewis, James A.. | : | Senior Vice President and Program Director, Center for Strategic and International Studies. | |
Lewis, Jeffrey G. | : | Director, Nuclear Strategy & Nonprolifereation Initiative, New America Foundation. | |
Li, Sun Ok Alina | : | ICAS Intern; Emerging Markets Management, L.L.C | |
Li, Kexan | : | Deputy Chief of Mission and Minister, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the USA. | |
Li, Zhaoxing | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the United States | |
Liberman, Grace | : | ICAS Special Assistant | |
Lieberman, Joe | : | United States Senator, Independent, Connecticut. | |
Lilley, James R. | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and former U.S. ambassador to the People's Republic of China and to the Republic of Korea. | |
Lim, Hyeu Sun (Ann). | : | Pianist; Senior at University of Maryland. | |
Lim, Robyn. | : | Professor of International Relations, Nanzan University, Nagoya. | |
Lim, Won Hyuk. | : | Visiting Fellow, the Brookings Institution; Fellow, Korea Development Institute and Korea National Strategy Institute. | |
Limb, Ben Q. | : | Member of the Foreign Affairs Advisory Council to President Roh Moo Hyun Roh of the Republic of Korea. | |
Liu, Don H | : | Senior Vice President and General Counsel, IKON Office Solutions, Philadelphia. | |
Liu, John C. | : | Councilman, City of New York. | |
Liu, Melinda | : | Diplomatic Correspondent, Newsweek. | |
Lho, Kyong Soo | : | ICAS Fellow; Professor of International Politics and Dean of the Office of International Affairs, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea. | |
Lo, Fu-chen | : | Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan (TECRO in Japan), Tokyo, Japan. | |
Long, Mary Beth | : | Co-Founder and principal of Global Alliance Advisors. | |
Luttwak, Edward | : | Consultant, US Department of Defense. | |
M | |||
Maehara, Seiji | : | Chairman, Policy Research Council, Democratic Party of Japan, Washington, DC. | |
Maehara, Yasuhiro | : | ICAS Fellow; General Manager, Bank of Japan Chief Representatives Office in the Americas. | |
Malavet, Joaquin F. | : | Major General, USMC; Director, Policy, U.S. Pacific Command, J5 | |
Malpass, David | : | Chief International Economist, Bear Stearns; former U. S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and of Treasury | |
Mann, Catherine L. | : | Senior Fellow, Institute International Economics, Washington, D. C. | |
Manning, Robert A.. | : | Resident Senior Fellow, Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security, Atlantic Council , Washington, D. C. | |
Mansourov, Alexandre Y. | : | Associate Professor, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, Honolulu, HI | |
Manyin, Mark E. | : | Analyst in Asian Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division, Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress | |
Markey, Edward J. | : | Representative, 7th district, Massachusetts, Washington, D.C. | |
Marshall, Michael | : | Editor-in-chief, United Press International, Washington, D.C. | |
Mastro, Oriana Skylar | : | ICAS Fellow; assistant professor of security studies, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University | |
Matsuda, Kuni | : | Advisor to the ICAS Liberty Tennis Board; President, Ivy League Tennis Greater Washington DC Area. | |
Maxwell, David S. | : | ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow at Foundation for Defense of Democracies. | |
May, Hope Elizabeth | : | ICAS Fellow; Professor of Philosophy, Central Michigan University. | |
Mazza, Michael | : | Senior Research Associate, American Enterprise Institute. | |
McCann, David R. | : | ICAS Fellow; Korea Foundation Professor of Korean Literature, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations and Director of the Korea Institute, Harvard University. | |
McGrory, Joseph E. | : | Counseling Psychologist, Philadelphia, PA | |
McVadon, Eric. | : | Director, Asia-Pacific Studies, Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis; Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, Retired. | |
Mebane, Walter R., Jr. | : | Professor, Department of Political Science and Department of Statistics, Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan. | |
Meehan, Patrick. | : | Congressman, Pennsylvania's 7th Congressional District, United States Congress. | |
Merlo, Antonio | : | Fellow, ICAS; Lawrence R. Klein Professor of Economics, Director of the Penn Institute for Economic Research, University of Pennsylvania. | |
Merrill, John | : | ICAS Fellow; Visiting Scholar, U.S.-Korea Institute, Johns Hopkins University | |
Meyerson, Martin | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow and Liberty Award Recipient, President Emeritus and University Professor, University of Pennsylvania | |
Milikh, Arthur Y. | : | Assistant Director, B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics, The Heritage Foundation. | |
Miller, James N. | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow; President, Adaptive Strategies. | |
Miller, Terry | : | Director, Center for International Trade and Economics, Heritage Foundation. | |
Min, Pyong Gap | : | Professor of Sociology, Queens College and the Graduate School of the City University of New York | |
Mitre, Jim | : | Acting Deputy Secretary of Defense for Strategy & Force Development, Department of Defense | |
Miyairi, Yoshihito | : | Chief Washington Representative, Export-Import Bank of Japan | |
Mohr, Mark | : | Program Associate, Asia Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars | |
Moon, Chung In | : | Professor, Yonsei University; Ambassador for International Security Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
Republic of Korea | |
Moon, My Ha | : | ICAS Intern; undergraduate student at James Madison University. | |
Moon, Peter C. | : | ICAS Advisor; Management consultant. | |
Mori, S. Floyd | : | Director of Public Policy, National Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), Washington DC. | |
Morris, Stephen J. | : | Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Institute, SAIS Johns Hopkins University. | |
Mount, Adam. | : | ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress. | |
Moy, Edmund C. | : | ICAS Fellow; Director, the United States Mint. | |
Mundell, William A. | : | ICAS Fellow; Chairman, WEFA Group | |
Munro, Ross H. | : | Director, Asian Studies Program, Center for Security Studies, Washington, D. C. | |
Muskens, Wilfred H. | : | Deputy Secretary for International Business Development, Department of Community & Economic Development, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. | |
Myoung, Paul S. | : | ICAS Intern; Senior research coordinator, HIV-HCV and kidney disease research, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City, N. Y. | |
N | |||
Na, Kyung Won | : | Floor Leader of the Liberty Korea Party. | |
Nagashima, Akihisa | : | ICAS Fellow; Fifth-term member of the House of Representatives with the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ). | |
Nakagawa, Masaharu | : | MP, Democratic Party, Japan; Secretary General, Democratic Party Diet Members' Federation on North Korean Refugees and Humanitarian Issue. | |
Nakamura, Scott. | : | Incumbent President of the Japanese American Citizens League. | |
Nam Sang-so. | : | Korean-Japanese-English translator, Seoul, ROK. | |
Nanto, Dick K. | : | Specialist in Industry and Trade, Congressional Research Service. | |
Nikitin, Mary Beth | : | Analyst, WMD Nonproliferation, Congressional Research Service. | |
Niksch, Larry A. | : | Fellow, ICAS; Specialist in Asian Affairs, CRS, U. S. Library of Congress. | |
Nishikawa, A. Hirotoshi | : | President, Japanese American Citizens League / Philadelphia Chapter. | |
No, Jessica K. | : | Jessica K. No, ICAS Intern; Student, Lehigh University. | |
Noah, Yuliana S. | : | Winner Qualifier for Becky Norton Dunlop Award for Excellence, ICAS Youth Excellence Fellowship Award Contest 2007; Rising 10th grader, Moorestown High School, Moorestown, NJ. | |
Noland, Marcus | : | Institute of International Economics. | |
O | |||
O, Tara | : | ICAS Fellow; Adjunct Fellow Pacific Forum CSIS. | |
Oberdorfer, Don | : | Distinguished Journalist-in-Residence, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D. C. | |
Oberlander, Leonard | : | Consultant on international and intergovernmental matters to business and government leaders, Washington, D. C. | |
O'Brien, Timothy J. | : | Fellow, Director; ICAS; Of counsel, Lee International IP and Law Group. | |
Oh, Bonnie B. C. | : | Distinguished Professor of Korean Studies, the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. | |
Oh, Joon | : | ICAS Fellow; Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Republic of Korea to the United Nations, New York | |
Oh, Kongdan (Katy) | : | Senior Asia Specialist at the Institute for Defense Analyses | |
O'Hanlon, Michael E. | : | Senior Fellow and Director of Research, Foreign Policy program, Brookings Institution | |
Okano, Masataka | : | Counselor Political Affairs, Embassy of Japan, Washington, D. C. | |
Ong, J. J. | : | Professional Staff Member, Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. | |
Oswald, Rachel | : | Foreign policy reporter, Congressional Quarterly | |
Ota, Masakatsu | : | Washington Correspondent, Kyodo News | |
Ou, Charles F. | : | Senior Economist, Office of Economic Research and Advocacy, United States Small Business Administration, Washington DC | |
Overby, Tami | : | ICAS Fellow; Senior vice president for Asia at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce | |
P | |||
Paal, Douglas H. | : | President, Asia Pacific Policy Center, Washington, D.C. | |
Paik, Jin Hyun | : | Professor, Institute of International and Area Studies, Seoul National University, Korea | |
Pak, Jacqueline | : | Korea Specialist, Library of Congress, Washington D.C. | |
Park, Geun Hye | : | President of the Republic of Korea. | |
Park, Hae Chan | : | Director, Virginia Committee for ICAS Liberty Foundation. | |
Park, Hwee-Rhak | : | Associate Professor, Kookmin University, Seoul Korea. | |
Park, John S. | : | Fellow, ICAS; Director, Korea Working Group and Adjunct Lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School. | |
Park, Kyeyoung | : | Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Asian American Studies, UCLA; Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Princeton University | |
Park, Michael H. | : | Fellow, ICAS; ICAS Liberty Award Recipient; Judge, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit | |
Park, Ok Choon | : | Affiliated Faculty, School of Education, George Mason University | |
Park, Sam Ock | : | Professor, Department of Geography, Seoul National University | |
Park, Sunny K. | : | Fellow, ICAS; ICAS Liberty Award Recipient; Chief Executive Janitor, General Building Maintenance Inc | |
Park, Yoon Shik | : | Professor of International Banking and Finance, George Washington, University, Washington, D. C. | |
Park, Yung Chul | : | President, Korea Institute of Finance; Professor of Economics, Korea University | |
Pastreich, Emanuel | : | Assistant Professor of Japanese Studies, Parkland College, Champaign, Illinois. | |
Patterson, Torkel L. | : | Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director of Asian Affairs, National Security Council, The White House | |
Patton, Nancy Linn | : | ICAS Fellow; former Deputy Assistant Secretary for The Asia and Pacific, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. | |
Perl, Raphael Francis | : | Senior policy analyst for terrorism, narcotics, and crime, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. | |
Pillsbury, Michael | : | ICAS Fellow; Director, Center on Chinese Strategy of the Hudson Institute | |
Plunk, Daryl | : | Senior Fellow, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C. | |
Pottinger, Matthew | : | Deputy National Security Advisor, The White House. | |
Power, Christopher | : | Asian Edition Editor, Business Week, New York | |
Prasso, Sheri | : | Asia Editor, Business Week | |
Pritchard, Charles L. | : | Ambassador and former Special Envoy for Negotiations with North Korea. | |
Przystup, James J. | : | ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow and Research Professor, Institute of National Strategic Studies, National Defense University | |
Pyon, Harold Y. | : | President, Republican Party of Virginia for Korean-Americans. | |
Q | |||
R | |||
Ra, Jong Yil | : | National Security Adviser to President Roh Moo Hyun of South Korea | |
Rabin, Keith W. | : | President, KWR International, New York | |
Rafferty, John C. Jr. | : | Senator, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. | : |
Ramos, Juan F. | : | Director of Fair Labor Standards, City of Philadelphia | |
Ratner, Ely. | : | Senior Fellow and Deputy Director, Asia-Pacific Security Program, Center for a New American Security. | |
Reiss, Mitchell B.. | : | Dean of International Affairs and Director of the Wendy and Emery Reves Center for International Studies at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. | |
Revere, Evans J. R. | : | Acting Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, United States Department of State. | |
Rhee, Hak Yong | : | Professor of Economics, and Dean of Graduate School of International Studies, Korea University, Korea | |
Rhee, Jhoon | : | Father of American Tae Kwon Do, President's White House Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders | |
Rhee, Peter M. | : | ICAS Fellow and ICAS Liberty Award recipient; Chief of Trauma, Critical Care and Emergency Surgery, and Professor of Surgery, University of Arizona. | |
Ri, Jong Ho | : | Former Senior North Korean Economic Official, Washington D.C. Area | |
Richard, Charles A. | : | Commander, US Strategic Command | |
Ro, Young Chan | : | ICAS Fellow, Professor of Religious Studies, Director of Liberal Studies, George Mason University | |
Rodriguez, Ruben E. | : | Public Relations Manager/Budget Officer, The Washington Post | |
Roh, Moo-hyun | : | President of the Republic of Korea | |
Rose, Frank A. | : | Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance, United States Department of State. | |
Rosenblatt, Albert M. | : | Judge, New York Court of Appeals. | |
Rosett, Claudia | : | Editorial Board, The Wall Street Journal, New York. | |
Rossides, Eleni | : | Advisor, ICAS Tennis Board; Executive Director, Washington Tennis and Education Foundation. | |
Roth, Sara | : | ICAS Fellow; Student, George Washington University School of Law, Washington, D. C. | |
Rozman, Gilbert | : | ICAS Fellow; Musgrave Professor of Sociology Emeritus, Princeton University | |
Ruan, Zongze | : | Minister Counselor, Political Affairs, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the USA | |
Rubin, Trudy | : | Editorial Writer, The Philadelphia Inquirer | |
Rushford, Greg | : | ICAS Fellow; Editor & Publisher, The Rushford Report, Washington, D. C. | |
Russel, Daniel R. | : | ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow Vice President International Security and Diplomacy, Asia Society Policy Institute; former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs. | |
S | |||
Samore, Gary | : | Executive Director for Research, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University | |
Sato, Kazuo | : | ICAS Fellow; Professor of Economics, Rutgers University | |
Savenije, Henny. | : | ICAS Fellow; Educator, Seoul | |
Savvaides, George V. | : | Ambassador of Greece to the Unived States, Embassy of Greece, Washington D. C. | |
Sbragia, Chad | : | Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China, Pentagon | |
Scalapino, Robert A | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Robson Research Professor of Government Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley. | |
Scaparrotti, Curtis "Mike" | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow; General US Army (Ret); Senior Counselor, The Cohen Group. | |
Scheffer, David J. | : | American lawyer and diplomat. | |
Schriver, Randall G. | : | Founding partner, Armitage International LLC. | |
Scofield, David | : | Lecturer, Graduate Institute of Peace Studies, Kyung Hee University, Seoul. | |
Scott, Rosamund | : | Lecturer in Law, School of Law and Centre of Medical Law and Ethics, King's College London | |
Scott, Terrance | : | Tournament Deputy Director, ICAS Liberty Tennis Classic Invitational Spring 2012 | |
Scullin, Michael E. | : | ICAS Fellow, Counsel,McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, Philadelphia; Honorary Consul of France in Philadelphia and Wilmington. | |
Seiler, Sydney A. | : | Deputy North Korea Mission Manager, Office of Director of National Intellience | |
SFCC. | : | Seoul Foreign Correspondents Club, Seoul, Republic of Korea | |
Shao, Zheng | : | First Secretary, Political Section, Embassy of China | |
Shambaugh, David | : | Professor of Political Science & International Affairs, George Washington University | |
Sharp, Walter | : | General US Army (ret) | |
Sherman, Fred | : | Senior Vice President, Sovereign Bank | |
Shestack, Jerome J. | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow & ICAS Liberty Award recipient; Partner and Head, Litigation Department, Wolf Block Schorr and Solis-Cohen LLP; former President, American Bar Association | |
Shin, Jin Seock | : | ICAS Intern. | |
Shin, Kak Soo | : | ICAS Fellow, Professor and Director, International Law Center, Korea National Diplomatic Academy. | |
Shin, Kie Hyun | : | Professor of Politics, Chonbuk National University, Korea | |
Shin, Eui Hang | : | Professor of Sociology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina | |
Shin, Un | : | President, Institute for National Security Strategy (INSS), Seoul, Republic of Korea | |
Shinn, Rinn Sup | : | Foreign Affairs Analyst, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress | |
Shiraki, Matt | : | Executve Assistant to the Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Strategic Initiatives, The White House, Washington, D. C. | |
Singh, Vikram J. | : | Vice President for National Security and International Policy, Center for America Progress. | |
Sinodinos AO, Arthur | : | Ambassador of Australia to the United States of America | |
Smith, Stan | : | ICAS Advisor, ICAS Liberty Tennis Board. | |
Soh, Chunghee Sarah | : | ICAS Fellow; Professor of Anthropology, San Francisco State University | |
Solomon, Richard H. | : | President, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, D. C. | |
Song, Min Kyung | : | Ph.D. Candidate, University of Pennsylvania | |
Song, Sang-Hyun | : | President of the International Criminal Court | |
Song, Yiseon | : | ICAS intern; undergraduate, American University School, Washington, DC | |
Song, Yung Nam | : | Professor of Economics, Chonbuk National University, Korea | |
Spalding, Matthew | : | Associate Vice President and Dean of Educational Programs for Hillsdale College in Washington, D.C. | |
Specter, Arlen | : | U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania. | |
Spring, Baker | : | F.M. Kirby Research Fellow, The Heritage Foundation. | |
Stanton, Joshua | : | ICAS Fellow; founder of OneFreeKorea; attorney, Washington, D.C. | |
Stefanini, Stefano | : | First Secretary to the Ambassador, Embassy of Italy, Washington D. C. | |
Stephens, Kathleen | : | ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow and Liberty Award Recipient; U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, Seoul R.O.K. | |
Steward, Matilda. | : | Research Associate, Foreign Policy and Defence, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney. | |
Stoss, Ferdinand B. | : | Director, Plans and Policy, US Strategic Command | |
Straub, David | : | Adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies, Washington D. C. | |
Streifer, Bill | : | Researcher and freelance journalist. | |
Sugiyama, Shinsuke | : | Advisor to the Foreign Minister of Japan, University Professor Waseda University, Former Ambassador of Japan to the USA | |
Suh, Rhea | : | ICAS Fellow and Liberty Award Recipient; Assistant Secretary for Policy Management and Budget, United States Department of Interior. | |
Suh, Ryung | : | President and Chief Executive Officer, Atlas Research LLC. | |
Suh, Sung Hee | : | ICAS Fellow and Liberty Award Recipient; Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice. | |
Suos, Joseph | : | ICAS Volunteer; Winner Qualifier Honourable Mention, ICAS Youth Fellowship Award 2009; Rising sophomore, Roman Catholic High School, Philadelphia, PA . | |
Suozzi, Tom | : | House Ways and Means Committee, US House of Representatives | |
Sun, Yun. | : | Co-Director East Asia Program, Director Chinese Program, Stimson Center. | |
Sutter, Robert G. | : | ICAS Fellow; Visiting Professor, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. | |
Szechenyi, Nicholas. | : | Fellow and Assistant Director, Japan Chair , Center for Strategic & International Studies. | |
T | |||
Takenaka, Masaharu | : | Chief Representative of the Washington DC Representative Office, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi. | |
Tanaka, Hitoshi | : | Chairman, Institute for International Strategy, Japan Research Institute Ltd, Tokyo, Japan | |
Tanden, Neera | : | Chief Operating Officer, Center for American Progress. | |
Tao, Wenzhao | : | Research Professor and Deputy Director, Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing. | |
Terry, Sue Mi | : | Senior fellow for the Korea Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). | |
Thae, Yong Ho | : | Member of the National Assembly, Republic of Korea | |
Thomas-Noone, Brendan. | : | Research Fellow, Foreign Policy and Defence, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney. | |
Tilelli, John H. | : | ICAS Liberty Foundation Distinguished Fellow & ICAS Liberty Award recipient; General, United States Army, Retired; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Cypress International Inc., Alexandria, Virginia. | |
Toloraya, Georgy D. | : | ICAS Fellow; Director of Korean programs, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow. | |
Tonelson, Alan. | : | Research Fellow, U S Business & Industry Council Educational Foundation | |
Tong, Clarence. | : | ICAS Intern; Student, University of Pennsylvania. | |
Tong, Kurt. | : | Director, Office of Korean Affairs,U.S. Department of State. | |
Toomey, Pat. | : | United States Senator, Pennsylvania. | |
Townshend, Ashley. | : | Director of Foreign Policy and Defence, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney. | |
Trasviña, John D. | : | Special Counsel, Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices, Civil Rights Division, U S Department of Justice. | |
Trivedi, Atman. | : | ICAS Fellow; Managing Director, Hills & Company. | |
Trump, Donald J.. | : | President, United States of America, Washington, D. C. | |
Tseng, Wanda S. | : | Deputy Director, Asia Pacific Dept, IMF, Washington, D. C. | |
U | |||
Um, Dan-Bi. | : | ICAS Junior Associate; Student, Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, PA. | |
Uyehara, Paul M. | : | Coordination and Review Section, U.S. Justice Department, Civil Rights Division, Washington, D. C. | |
V | |||
Vieira, Mauro. | : | Brazilian Ambassador to the United States. | |
Vollertsen, Norbert. | : | German Physician | |
Vorontsov, Alexander. | : | Head, Korean and Mongolian Studies Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. | |
W | |||
Wada, Haruki | : | Emeritus Professor of the Institute of Social Science, Tokyo University. | |
Wade, Robert | : | Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation; Professor of Political Science and International Political Economics, Brown University | |
Waldron, Arthur | : | Director, Asian Studies Program, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; Joseph H. Lauder Professor of International Relations, University of Pennsylvania | |
Walker, Richard L. | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow & ICAS Liberty Award recipient; former U. S. Ambassador to South Korea; James F. Byrnes Professor Emeritus, and Ambassador-in-Residence, Walker Institute of International Studies, University of South Carolina | |
Walt, Stephen | : | Belfer Professor of International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. | |
Warden, John K. | : | Senior fellow, Pacific Forum, CSIS. | |
Watanabe, Yosuke | : | White House Correspondent, Kyodo News. | |
Weathersby, Kathryn | : | ICAS Fellow, Senior Associate, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D. C. | |
Weinfurter, John | : | President, Congressional Economic Leadership Institute | |
Weitz, Richard | : | ICAS Fellow, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis, Hudson Institute. | |
Weldon, Curt | : | U. S. Congressman; Chairman, Subcommittee on Military Research and Development, Senior Member National Security Committee, Science Committee, Select Intelligence Committee | |
Weinstein, Jack | : | Lt. Gen., Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration, Headquarters U. S. Air Force, Washington D.C. | |
West, Robert W | : | Senior Vice President, International Relations, WEFA Group | |
Wi, Sung Lac | : | ICAS Fellow; Ambassador and Visiting Scholar, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea. | |
Wiesel, Elie | : | ||
Wilder, Dennis | : | Senior Fellow and Assistant Professor, Georgetown University; former special assistant to the president and senior director for East Asian affairs National Security Council. | |
Windsor, Jennifer L. | : | Executive Director, Freedom House, Washington D.C. | |
Wit, Joel S.. | : | Senior Fellow, U.S.-Korea Institute, SAIS and Adjunct Senior Fellow, Weatherhead Institute for East Asia, Columbia University | |
Woo, S. B. | : | President, The 80-20 Initiative; former Lt Governor, State of Delaware | |
Woolsey, R. James. | : | Chairman, Foundation for Defense of Democracies; Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency | |
Wortzel, Larry M. | : | Director of the Asian Studies Center, The Heritage Foundation | |
Winkelman, Nora | : | First Vice President, Montgomery County Democratic Committee, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | |
X | |||
Xie, Feng | : | Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of China in the USA. | |
Xue, Mouhong | : | Fellow, ICAS; Dean of College of Economics and Finance, Xi'an Jiaotong University and Professor of Institute of International Studies, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. | |
Y | |||
Yamamoto, Tadamichi | : | Minister of Political Affairs, Embassy of Japan, Washington D. C. | |
Yamamoto, Yoshi | : | Principal Researcher, Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, Washington D. C. | |
Yang, Youming | : | Counselor and Chief of International Section, Embassy of China, Washington D. C, | |
Yang, Yung Yong | : | Professor Economics, California State University, Sacramento | |
Yates, Ken A. | : | Senior Vice President, Jefferson Waterman International, Washington, D. C. | |
Yates, Stephen J | : | Senior Policy Analyst, Asian Studies Center, Heritage Foundation | |
Yi, Haro | : | Columnist and Freelance Writer | |
Yi, Chong U | : | President, Delaware County Korean-American Association, Pennsylvania | |
Yi, Sang | : | Councilman on the Fairfax Virginia City Council | |
Yim, Hank H. K. | : | Professor of Economics, Wonkwang University, Korea | |
Yim, Yong Soon | : | Professor of Political Science, and Provost of Sung Kyun Kwan University, Korea | |
Yoo, Choon Ki | : | Director & Associate Vice President, ICAS Liberty Foundation. | |
Yoo, Christopher S. | : | ICAS Fellow; Professor, University of Pennsylvania Law School | |
Yoo, Hayoung | : | ICAS Volunteer; Winner Qualifier Honourable Mention, ICAS Youth Fellowship Award 2009; junior, University of Maryland in College Park. | |
Yoo, Jeh Seung | : | ICAS Fellow; Lt General (Ret) Republic Of Korea Army . | |
Yoo, Jang Hee | : | Professor of Economics, and Dean of School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University, Korea | |
Yoo, John C. | : | Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington D. C. | |
Yoo, Jeff | : | ICAS Volunteer; Winner Qualifier for Becky Norton Dunlop Award for Excellence, ICAS Youth Fellowship Award 2009; Rising junior, Valley Forge Military Academy, Valley Forge, PA | |
Yoo, Kun Il | : | Columnist, former editor-in-chief of The Chosun Ilbo | |
Yoo, Sook Hee. | : | Senior Attending Staff & Director of Older Adult Unit, Belmont Center for Comprehensive Treatment, Philadelphia PA. | |
Yoon, Kyung B. | : | President, KBY Productions, LLC, New York NY | |
Yoon, Sang Hyun | : | ICAS Fellow; Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs and Unification, National Assembly, Republic of Korea. | |
Yoon, Synwon | : | ICAS Special Assistant; a Director, Asia Treasure Network, Korea | |
Yoon, Tae Hee | : | Chief Executive Officer, Korea Economic Intelligence | |
You, Edward H | : | Supervisory Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation. | |
You, Jong Keun | : | Governor, Chollabuk-do Provincial Government, Korea | |
Yu, Miles | : | ICAS Fellow; Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute; Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institute; Professor, United States Naval Academy | |
Z | |||
Zakheim, Dov | : | ICAS Distinguished Fellow; Senior Advisor CSIS, Senior Fellow CNA Corporation | |
Zarate, Robert | : | Policy Director, Foreign Policy Initiative | |
Zhang, Julia | : | ||
Zhang, Yuan Yuan | : | Spokesman - Counselor, Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Washington, D. C. | |
Zhang, Zeguang | : | Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of People's Republic of China, Washington D.C. |