ICAS Bulletin
Institute for Corean-American Studies, Inc.
ICAS Youth Excellence Fellowship Awards Invitational 2005 Winners
Bryant Chung (Shinae Chun Award - Libertas; 11th grade, Germantown
Friends School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
What I have learned from reading "The Constitution of the United States"
and "Bill of Rights"
Sean Halpin (Shinae Chun Award - Veritas;
Freshman, University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, Virginia)
What I have learned from reading "The Constitution
of the United States" and "Bill of Rights"
Alexander Kim (Becky
Norton Dunlop Award - Libertas; 12th grade, Wissahickon High School, Ambler, Pennsylvania)
What I have learned from reading
"The Road to Serfdom"
Jennifer Kim (Becky Norton Dunlop
Award - Meritus; 9th grade, Westtown School, Westtown, Pennsylvania)
What I have learned from reading "The Road to
Janice Lee (Shinae Chun Award - Meritus;
10th grade, Germantown Friends School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
What I have learned from reading "The Constitution
of the United States" and "Bill of Rights"
Joseph Lee
(Becky Norton Dunlop Award - Veritas; 12th grade, Wissahickon High School,
Ambler, Pennsylvania)
What I have learned
from reading "The Constitution of the United States" and "Bill of Rights"
All Winners will present their essays at the ICAS Summer Symposium 2005: The Korean
Diaspora and they will be awarded and honoured at the
ICAS Reception & Dinner
on August
6, 2005.
Thank you.
Sang Joo Kim / signed
Sr. Fellow & Executive Vice President