The ICAS Bulletin
Institute for Corean-American Studies, Inc.
Jacqueline Pak
ICAS Fellow
to deliver Plenary Address
"A Legacy of the Early Korean-American Pioneers: An Ch'angho and So Chaep'il"
at the ICAS Summer Symposium
Korean Diaspora: Challenges facing The Korean-American Community in the New Century
August 18, 2001
Jubilee Presbyterian Church, Conshohocken, PA 19428
Dear Friend:
We are pleased to share with you that Jacqueline Pak, Korea specialist at the
Library of Congress will deliver plenary address, "A Legacy of the Early
Korean-American Pioneers: An Ch'angho and So Chaep'il" at the ICAS Summer Symposium
on August 18, 2001.
Thank you.
Sang Joo Kim
Sr Fellow & Executive Vice President
N.B. Biographical sketch and links to
ICAS contributions for Jacqueline Pak.