The ICAS Lectures
Freezing North Korea’s Nuclear Arsenal
Joel S. Wit.
ICAS Spring Symposium
May 17, 2016, 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Hart Office Office Building room 216
United States Senate
Washington, DC
Institute for Corean-American Studies, Inc.
Biographic sketch & Links: Joel S. Wit
Freezing North Korea’s Nuclear Arsenal
Joel S. Wit. *
Senior Fellow, US-Korea Institute SAIS
Johns Hopkins University
May 17, 2016
Alex Kim: Thank you Dr. Kim for this privilege to introduce the honorable Joel S. Wit.
Mr. Wit, Senior Fellow at the US-Korea Institute at SAIS, and adjunct Senior Fellow at the
Columbia University’s Weatherhead Institute for East Asia, is an expert on Northeast Asia
security and non-proliferation issues. He wrote the first national intelligence estimate on ballistic
missile proliferation while on detail at the CIA. In 1993, Joel joined the staff of Ambassador
Robert L Galucci that developed the US-North Korea agreed framework. Joel was a state
department coordinator tasked with implementing the agreement, the formation of KEDO, and
worked with North Korea on aspects of the agreed framework. Founder of the 38th North
Website, Joel has written articles on North Korea and proliferation and co-authored Going
Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis. He is a Senior Fellow at the Council on
Foreign Relations and in the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Senior Associate at
the Henry L Simpson Center, and Guest Scholar at the Brookings Institution. Ladies and
gentlemen, please welcome Joel S Wit
Joel Wit: Thank you. I’m not all of those things right now. I have been all of those
things, but it would be quite an accomplishment for me to have all those positions at the moment.
Anyway, I’m [unintelligible] at Columbia now. So thank you very much. I’m very happy to be
here today. I suspect I’m going to inject into this conversation a somewhat different perspective
than what you’ve been listening to for most of the afternoon. My assigned topic is Freezing
North Korea’s nuclear program, so I’m going to focus more on security issues. But I did want to
say up front I was here a little bit before. I had a chance to come up here and I do recognize that
human rights is an important issue that needs to be dealt with, and I think it’s wrong to say that
the Obama administration has ignored the human right’s issue in North Korea. It hasn’t. It’s been
very active in trying to focus attention on that issue. And for those of you who are familiar with
whatever I’ve written, I’m not a big defender of the Obama administration at all. But
nevertheless, I think we need to give credit where some credit is due.
So today I’m going to focus on the security issues, and particularly the nuclear program. I’m not
going to start off with a lot of wonky, boring, technological facts. I want to step back for a
minute and conduct an exercise in thinking about where we should go in the future with North
Korea, but also thinking about why we failed in the past. One of the things that this gentleman
didn’t mention is that I’ve spent twenty years basically dealing with North Koreans. In the US
government for a while, in think tanks, and now at CSIS. And of course we’re working on the
issue of North Korea. I visited North Korea many times, including WMD facilities. I’ve worked
with all sorts of North Koreans, particularly government officials of course. I still meet with
North Koreans in Europe. And actually, one of our main interlocutors was just promoted to be
Foreign Minister. So I’ve known him for twenty years. And I’ve also worked a lot with South
Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, and others on dealing with this issue. I say all of this because what
I’m about to say about the substance is informed by my experience with the North Koreans. I’m
not an academic. I didn’t start out life studying Korea. I started out actually working on US-
Soviet arms control. On this particular issue, this may sound surprising to you, but I think now
it’s pretty clear that North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs are a threat, and they’re
growing. It may sound surprising because over the past few years, I think our attention to the
issue has been spotty at best. And last year, actually, we did a long study for the whole year on
North Korea’s nuclear future. We have a number of papers published on our website, 38 North,
that look into the future to 2020. And everything that’s been happening over the past few months
in North Korea’s programs is not surprising or shocking to anyone who studied this issue. All of
these activities represent a continuation of a steady program to develop and deploy nuclear
weapons, and to build bigger and better missiles.
As I said earlier, these all – all these programs have serious implications for our security.
Everyone now understands that. For extended deterrence, for defending our allies on the Korean
peninsula, for the effort to rebalance our foreign policy focus in Asia, for stability in the region,
and of course there’s always the danger that these kinds of technologies are going to find their
way into the hands of people we don’t want it to find their way into in other regions. So the
threat is real and it’s nice that people are starting to recognize that. And indeed, I have to say that
one of my big problems the past year is that I get really angry when analysts call the North
Korean missile program fake. There have been guys who say it’s a fake program, they’re just…
It’s a Potemkin village. I think now they’ll probably shut up.
So the next topic I want to address is why have we failed? Because it’s not as if this program has
materialized out of nowhere. I think certainly, since 2002, it’s gathered a lot of momentum. But
we’ve known about what’s going on for a long time, certainly since the Reagan administration,
and even earlier. I’ve seen satellite photos from the 1960s of the Yongbyon Nuclear facility,
when it was just starting up. And this is North Korea’s main nuclear weapons facility. So there
are all sorts of reasons why we failed. And I would say first of all a very big one is the North
Koreans themselves. They’re not crazy and they’re not irrational. They are tough and determined,
and they know what their national interests are. And they understand the countries they have to
deal with. And their goal is very clear. They see themselves as a small state surrounded by more
powerful countries, and under those circumstances, they see nuclear weapons as guaranteeing
their survival. But there’s another really big problem here, and it’s one I find extremely
frustrating, and that’s ourselves. We are a big problem. Figuring out what makes the North
Koreans tick will help us figure out what to do about the problem. That’s not of course easy, but
I think we failed miserably on that front. And we see that failure reflected in all sorts of
misconceptions about North Korea. There’s this sort of comic book uninformed view that you
find in media articles, that you find among elected officials, not the Congresswoman who was
just here, but others. And even in US government officials. In that context, I think there are 5
myths about North Korea that help explain the mess we find ourselves in today.
The first myth is that North Korea’s leaders are crazy. You see that all the time in the media,
maybe not so much anymore now that Kim Jong Un has been in power for a few years, but we
heard the same thing about Kim Jong Il when he took over in 1994. Yet when people met him,
they found him well informed, confident, rational, but of course also ruthless. Second myth,
North Korea is a failed state. The idea that North Korea desperately needs economic assistance
from the outside world and the only way for them to get it is to give up their nuclear weapons is
wrong. I’ve been hearing that for at least the past decade, and obviously it hasn’t proven to be
true. Myth 3, North Korea is a hermit kingdom. Well yes, it may be isolated from the United
States, so for us it is a hermit kingdom. But there are over 200 other countries in the world, and I
bet you if you go to places in Africa or Southeast Asia, or other places, it’s not a hermit kingdom.
They have interactions with North Korea. Myth 4, and we’ve all heard this a thousand times,
Beijing will solve this problem for us. The idea that China can just snap its fingers and North
Korea will do whatever it wants is just not true. That represents a fundamental misreading of any
alliance relationships, not just that one but our alliance relationships too. We don’t snap our
fingers and our allies do what we want. It just doesn’t happen that way. Myth 5, and this’ll be a
particularly controversial statement I guess, that diplomacy can’t work with North Korea. I’ve
heard this more than a thousand times. I’ve been listening to this for twenty years. The North
Koreans have tricked us into agreements that only serve their purposes, and the same argument
of course has been raised with all sorts of other countries from the Soviet Union to the recent
Iran deal, and even sometimes by the same people. Some of the same people who opposed the
Iran deal were opposing Ronald Reagan’s efforts to reach agreements with the Soviet Union. It’s
true, some deals have failed, and it’s certainly true they have cheated. But I stand by the view,
and I can certainly defend it, that the agreed framework was in fact successful for as long as it
lasted. And I’ll just give you one factoid. I was in government then. I was reading highly
classified intelligence estimates. They were telling us North Korea, by the end of the 1990s,
could produce 30 bombs a year. 30 bombs a year. And these were good estimates, because you
could see their facilities. And they were large, and I’ve actually visited some of them since then.
By the time we got to 2002, because of the agreement, they weren’t producing nuclear weapons
at 30 bombs a year. Indeed, they only had enough material for a handful of weapons. And people
will say, well yeah they were cheating, they were trying to produce uranium. And we knew about
it sure. But the fact is they haven’t started producing any uranium until recently. And 2002 was
over 10 years ago. So to me, that was a successful agreement, and I’m not saying we can
replicate that particular agreement, because the situation is very different today. But diplomacy
can work. So I guess the major first point I want to make is understanding what we are dealing
with is the first step to formulating sensible policies. Basing policy on myths only increases the
chances of failure.
The second major problem, and I’m sure this is going to be very controversial here, is magical
thinking. What I call magical thinking about policy options, that builds on these myths and some
other unrealistic thinking. We are formulating ideas about how we wish North Korea would be
rather than understanding how it is. And I think I’m just paraphrasing, but Bill Perry, who was
the Secretary of Defense, used to say. So to my mind, a prime example, or one prime example is
the Obama administration’s policy towards North Korea over the past 7 years, which it’s called
strategic patience. And I think that’s been magical thinking. It’s based on flawed assumptions
that we can further isolate an already isolated. That North Korea was weak. And by doing that,
we can convince it to stop behaving badly. Well obviously that hasn’t worked. Over the past 8
years, it’s pretty much had the opposite effect. And I know North Koreans who will say to you,
"we withstood everything you were trying to do to us over the past 8 years, and we came
out okay." So in some ways it’s emboldened them. There’s another example, which I like
to talk about, which is – this is going to be counter to some of the things you’ve been hearing. It
has to do with regime change and Korean reunification. I consider a lot of the discussion of that
magical thinking. It’s unrealistic and unanalytical. I’m not saying I oppose Korean reunification.
I think it would be great if it happened. It’s a nice vision. The authoritarian rule would end. So
would the security threat, human rights violations. We’d have a peaceful, probably democratic
Korea. The peninsula would be a much better place than it is today. But what I’d like to do is
conduct a little bit of an exercise and ask you to step back for a moment and ask yourselves some
difficult questions.
For example, if regime change is our objective, how do we achieve it. I know a number of
experts keep talking about, over and over again for the past, I guess it’s thirty years now, that
North Korea is on the verge of collapse. Obviously, it hasn’t happened. It could happen any day.
I’m not saying it couldn’t. But I think the bottom line is the regime is much more resilient than
most people would give it credit for. Others have recommended that somehow we engineer
regime change. How do we do that? When I teach courses, and a lot of masters’ students of
course want government jobs, one of the things they have to learn is how do you write a policy
memo. Two pages, memo to the Secretary of State, recommending a certain course of action.
State your objective, means to achieve that objective. In all the years I’ve been doing this, I’ve
never seen anyone in two pages say how they would engineer regime change in North Korea. I
don’t think that policy exists.
Let’s take this a step further. Let’s say I’m wrong. Let’s say the regime does collapse, whether
it’s internally induced, whether it’s externally induced. Would we be better off today than –
would we be better off than we are today. Yes, it sounds like a strange question, but just think
about it for a moment. Think about all the examples of regime that have occurred in the past
decade for example. Weren’t we saying regime change in Iraq and Libya would result in a better
situation there? They’d be without authoritarian regimes led by crazy dictators. Are those
countries better off today? Are we better off today because of regime change? I ask those
questions because historical experiences with regime change should teach us that the outcome
may not be better but worse. There are always unanticipated consequences to regime change.
And in the case of North Korea, we may face a similar problem. The likelihood of unanticipated
consequences. I and others up here go to lots of discussion around town about Korean
reunification and of course everyone is very familiar with the reality that it’s going to be very
expensive. Usually, these discussions skip over the part about establishing security in a collapsed
North Korea. So "it’s going to be difficult, but it’ll work. And then we’ll move on to all
these other things about rebuilding civil society." And we even heard earlier the
Congresswoman comparing Korea to Germany. The German reunification experience and
Korean reunification have a lot in common. I think in fact there’s very little in common between
Germany and Korea. The East Germans pretty much welcomed being absorbed by the west, but
the North Koreans aren’t East Germans. I hate to say it, but there’s this view that all the North
Koreans desire is freedom. I don’t think that’s the case. The North Koreans have been subjected
to a totalitarian regime for 50-60 years, that has convinced them that it is the right form of
government and that in fact they are not going to welcome being absorbed by South Korea. I
think there’s a good chance they’ll resist, that the soldiers will certainly resist. There’s certainly a
lot of stuff out there that says special operations troops, that’s what they do. And North Korea
has tens, almost two hundred thousand of those guys. So that’s going to be a serious problem.
It’s quite possible they’d be a large scale insurgency in North Korea. All the ingredients are
present, including the fact that the North Koreans have distributed weapons all around the
country for precisely the purpose of fighting invaders. So rather than an easy reunification or a
slightly reunification, you could have an insurgency that could drag on for quite a while. And the
main impact of that is going to be on South Korea, and I’ve seen CIA estimates that say that the
combination of the economic burden and the possibility of insurgency could destabilize South
I haven’t even mentioned the weapons of mass destruction stockpiles in North Korea. So in that
chaotic situation, you’re going to have large stockpiles of chemical weapons and growing
stockpiles of nuclear weapons. So I’m just highlighting for you, I’m trying to bring the
discussion of reunification back to what may be the reality of what could happen.
So what does all of this mean for the future, for US policy, for the next administration’s policy?
Once again, this may seem counterintuitive, but I really think we need to get serious about
dealing with this problem. Stop perpetuating these myths. Stop the magical thinking. And start
thinking seriously about what our policy should be. To start with, let me lay out three general
guidelines. First, once again this is going to seem counterintuitive, make this a foreign policy
priority. It’s not. It’s not a foreign policy priority. It hasn’t been a priority for the Obama
administration. That may be strange. It seems strange given the idea of rebalancing to Asia, the
importance of our alliances in Northeast Asia, nuclear security. But it hasn’t been a priority and
indeed it hasn’t even been a priority in our discussion with the Chinese. There are a lot of senior
level meetings with the Chinese. North Korea doesn’t even come up. Other issues are out there.
They’re important. I understand that. Like climate change, South China Sea. But North Korea
isn’t at the top of the list. Second general guideline, take domestic political risks to secure our
national interests, as long as there are no security downsides. I can’t tell you how many times
I’ve heard that we can’t pursue a strategic, an active strategy with North Korea to deal with the
threat that includes also diplomacy because of domestic politics. No one wants to be attacked for
pursuing that kind of approach. And third, I think this is the most important one, we need to
think strategically and not tactically. Our current policy is totally reactive, and it’s also based on
unrealistic objectives without the means to achieve them. A case in point has been the idea of
achieving denuclearization. People think that ratcheting up sanctions, that reinforcing our
alliances will somehow lead to denuclearization. It’s not going to happen, I can tell you that right
now and I’ll get into that in a minute. So we need to ask ourselves basic questions. What should
be our objectives? How do we achieve them? What tools should we use? And in that context, we
also need to better understand the situation in Pyongyang. So what would be the elements of a
strategy? As I said a minute ago, there’s no disputing that one element should be to take every
step we can to reassure our allies and to protect them from North Korea. No doubt whatsoever,
including THADD or anything else that needs to be done. I don’t think anyone, well there are
probably people who would dispute that, but I certainly would not disagree with that. And they
also send an important signal to North Korea. This is one component of a strategy. Second
component is of course steps to increase pressure on North Korea, mainly sanctions. Sanctions
we have are certainly stronger now because of the recent UN resolution, but still not so strong. I
think the media overplayed how strong they really are, and in fact, the sanctions put the Chinese
in the driver’s seat because they have their hand on the spigot. They can enforce them or not
enforce them. And believe me they are looking at us now and saying "what are you going
to do for us now that we’ve supported these sanctions" So the point here is yes, these
measures are important. We should be doing them. But at the end of the day, as I said a minute
ago, they are not in and of themselves going to result in North Korea stopping its nuclear
weapons programs. And as a result, we are going to face a problem that’s going to get worse and
worse and worse. I say the North Koreans aren’t going to stop because for a North Korean, any
sign of weakness, particularly since they’re a small country facing off against more powerful
enemies, they view it as regime suicide. They will never give in to outside pressure. And it’s also
magical thinking to think that somehow the Chinese can or even be willing to force the North
Koreans to give in because the North Koreans aren’t going to submit to Chinese pressure. And
moreover as we all know, the Chinese have other interests. They’re not our ally. We having
conflicting interests.
So this brings me to my last point, which is the only possible way to move forward and to have a
chance of doing something about this is to combine all the measures I’ve talked about with some
active pursuit of diplomatic solutions, including direct negotiations with the North Koreans
because that will allow them a face saving off ramp from the current confrontation. And that’s
where freeze comes in. And I’ll talk a little bit about that, but I also want to be clear I don’t think
a freeze is the endpoint we should be aiming for. I know everyone says they’ll never
denuclearize. And people have been saying that for eight years. And of course, the situation has
gotten worse and worse and worse over the eight years, so eight years ago there might have been
a chance they’d denuclearize. Now there’s much less of a chance. But we should always push for
that objective. My main problem is that those who, and there have been a number of pieces
written recently about a freeze, those who are pushing for it may also be engaging in magical
thinking. We used to do this in the US government too. We’d always have objectives, what we
wanted to achieve in a negotiation. We never really thought much about what the North Koreans
would want in return. And when we did, we always sort of minimized what we would give in
return. I wrote lots of papers leading to the agreed framework about that. And I can tell you
based on my recent contacts with North Koreans there’ll be a price to pay for even a freeze. For
me, the key issue here is what do we think we can achieve by a freeze and of course what are we
going to pay. I want to say up front, the days are long gone when we will achieve limits on North
Korea’s WMD program by giving them humanitarian assistance or some energy assistance.
That’s just not going to happen anymore. The price has gone up because their program has
gotten more and more advanced. And this has been increasingly clear since 2012, when the Leap
Day Deal collapsed. The North Koreans are going to be looking for us to address what they say
are their security concerns. We can dismiss them, but that’s what they believe. They think that
the United States is a threat to North Korea. And you’ve seen that in the proposals they’ve been
making recently. The proposal for a moratorium on US-ROK joint exercises in return for a freeze
on nuclear testing. We’ve seen that. That’s popped up a lot in the past year. And even before the
last year, it was part of the Track 2 discussion with North Korea, including with the now Foreign
Minister, who brought up that issue a couple of years ago. In order to secure a full freeze, beyond
nuclear testing, we need to go even further and engage in detailed negotiations on a peace
declaration saying the Korean War is over and then on all the steps necessary to secure a peace
regime. I think the North Koreans are willing to include their nuclear weapons program in that
negotiation, and moreover, I think that while those talks are going on, it’s quite possible they
would freeze all of their nuclear activities and their missile activities. And I’m not saying we
should trust them. Of course that would have to be verified.
All of this may just be a ploy by the North Koreans. Totally get it. We’re not naïve. But I would
say it’s at least worth exploring, particularly if we think a freeze and what might come
afterwards serves our national interest. If North Korea stopped its nuclear weapons tests, would
that prevent it from developing a nuclear warhead for its new ICBM? It might. They certainly
can put a warhead on the Nodong, maybe the Taipodong, which they can stick on a launch pad
and try and fire it at the United States, but I bet you there’s a 100% certainty it would never
make it. But in the KNO8, which is a road-mobile ICBM, who knows. So in that context,
freezing nuclear testing might make sense. Certainly freezing the production of physical nuclear
material makes sense. There’s some people who say "well who cares if they have five
nuclear weapons, or fifty nuclear weapons." Well I think it makes a difference and we can
discuss that more. And the issue is they might make even more than fifty. So does that serve our
interests? And certainly if we can figure out a way of preventing them from developing new
generations of missiles, including the ICBM, the KNO8, that serves our interests too. I can
guarantee that the first time the North Koreans test the KNO8, it may not work. I think
Rebeccah’s right. There’s going to be – it’s going to have a big reaction to that. And it’s going to
create serious problems in the region and also in the United States. So we need to be thinking
ahead about this stuff. And I understand the sensitivity about having a moratorium on exercises.
We may not even need to have a moratorium on all exercises. There may be ways to deal with
that. And of course we need to maintain readiness and we need to maintain deterrence. But
we’ve done it in the past. We did it with Team Spirit in the past. And it’s quite possible that if
there was enough to get in return, we could do it in the future. So I’m going to stop
Moderator: Thank you. David?
David Maxwell: Well thank you, Joel. You certainly have given us some provocative
thoughts and a lot which I do agree with. Let me just make a couple points and ask you a
question. First, I think if – you said the administration policy of strategic patience, I think if
[unintelligible] or Danny Russel were here, they’d say that they never called it strategic patience.
But I think that is the best description for it.
Joel Wit: I think Secretary Clinton called it that.
David Maxwell: But I know that since [unintelligible] and Danny Russel both have said
that is not the name of their policy. But like you, I’m not a defender of the administration,
although I do agree with your point about human rights, in particular Ambassador Powers at the
UN last December, she was – she made some very strong statements on human rights that I
thought were very good. I’ve been very involved in [unintelligible] planning for the last thirty
years, and I’d to just say that one of the things from the military perspective, is we never
predicted collapse. Our only problem is, if it happens, we believe it could be catastrophic. And
therefore we must prepare for it. And I agree that there is a potential for an insurgency in North
Korea that would make Iraq and Afghanistan pale in comparison. So your comments about their
special operations forces, and just the indoctrination… Adrian Busso in Guerilla
Dynasty… the basis for the legitimacy of their regime on anti-Japanese partisan warfare. So
I agree with you and that will be a problem that we will face if there is a regime collapse. And it
will be expensive and… blood and treasure on South Korea’s part would be enormous. But my –
you’ve debunked unification, you’ve debunked the regime change, which I agree it is not for us
to change the regime. And your point about our historical – the history of that is very well taken.
But my thought exercise to you is if regime collapse does occur… It’s catastrophic, the regime
ceases to exist. There’s internal Civil War. There’s resistance to outside forces. What do you
envision as the outcome of that? And is there something other than unification that would occur?
And again, my assumption is regime collapse, there is no longer the Korean Worker’s Party able
to control. What other than unification would you envision as an outcome?
Joel Wit: That’s a great question. We have a project on this also at CSIS. I may be
exaggerating but there’s this kind of view when people talk of, not you Dave, but when people
talk about regime collapse, it’s almost like one day the regime is there and the next day, all the
government office buildings are empty and the military is nowhere to be found. It’s like a
vacuum has all of a sudden occurred. And in fact that is not how it will occur. The regime may
collapse. I mean if Kim Jong Un died one day, sure that would have an effect. But it’s not going
to disappear. You may have people stepping in saying they could take over for him. You may
have different factions. You may have splits regionally. There’s all sorts of different scenarios.
And I can’t predict… people like predicting. I totally agree, we should be planning for
everything we can. And I don’t know where that’ll lead. It could be an incredibly chaotic
situation that will drag on for a long time and drain resources from the United States, from South
Korea, maybe even China. And I don’t know where that will lead honestly. I wish I could answer
your question with some certainty. I don’t want to sound like I’m Dr. Doom. I just want to inject
into the discussion a measure of greater reality about where this might go.
Moderator: Joe?
Joseph Bosco: Thank you, Joel. You weren’t kidding when you said you were going to
be provocative and unconventional. We’d need about three hours to take on many of the
statements you just made. I’ll just take two. You quoted Bill Perry as saying that we should treat
– look at North Korea as it is and how we would wish it. Would you also go along with Bill
Perry’s recommendation that we attack North Korea to get rid of their nuclear weapons? That’s
question one. The second one is, you mentioned at least half a dozen times that China doesn’t
have the power to influence North Korea or control it, and yet you criticize the Obama
administration for not bringing up North Korea with China for the last several years. So which is
it? Should we ask China to play a bigger role or not?
Joel Wit: On your first point, indeed I was part of an administration that was willing to
attack North Korea and Bill Perry – I was just a little cog, but Bill Perry was Secretary of
Defense. And we had a plan for a pre-emptive strike against the Yongbyon Nuclear Facility if
they moved any spent fuel rods out of that. And I think that was the right thing to do. Secondly,
not only did we have a plan to do that, but from the very beginning of 1994 to that spring, the US
was very gradually ramping up its forces in Korea in preparation for a possible North Korean
attack, because the North Koreans kept saying they were going to attack if we imposed sanctions,
new sanctions on them. That was going on. General Luck, who I think is a great American, was
right in the center of that. So I have no problem with doing all of that if it’s part of a strategy.
And it was in 1994. Secondly, on China’s role. Yes, it seems a little contradictory what I’m
saying. I think what I’m trying to say is that we shouldn’t think that somehow China is going to
solve this problem for us. That doesn’t mean we should just ignore them. We should be pushing
them. We should be constantly pushing them. Basically what we’re trying to do is we’re in
competition with the North Koreans to get the Chinese on our side. I don’t know if either one of
us are going to win, but in pushing the Chinese and also by reaching out and offering diplomatic
initiatives, we might help nudge them in our direction. I entertain no illusion that they will one
day wake up and say "we support the United States. This is ridiculous. We can’t deal with
the North Koreans anymore." They’re not going to do that.
Moderator: Peter?
Peter Huessey: Thanks, Joel, for I think laying out questions that should be asked. I
think the North Korean leaders are… I can’t say what I think in public, but I don’t think they’re
crazy, because they have objectives and as General Dunn, my former boss, has often said, they
have objectives and they pursue them ruthlessly as you said. Is it a failed state? Well if your view
is you should try to take care of your people and feed them and have the opportunity, then yeah I
understand what your point there is. It’s not going to collapse tomorrow. We’re not going to
wake up and see them disappeared. China could help solve the problem if they wanted to, but
they don’t want to. So I agree that they won’t solve the problem. My question is I’m not quite
sure if they’re power is limited to what they think it is. It’s an interesting question and not easily
thought of one way or another. Diplomacy: can North Korea be induced in one way or another,
and that comes to my two points. One is a question to you. What are in fact North Korea’s
strategic objectives? We hear a lot about, Senator Levin used to say this a lot, all they’re
interested in is regime survival. He said that about North Korea. He said that about the
Sandinistas. He said that about Iran. And they want to deter us was the common phrase. This
really gets me. No, no, no. When North Korea says they want to deter the United States, it means
don’t come to the aid of South Korea when we invade. Because as soon as you leave the
peninsula and break your relationship as Doug Bandow wants you to do, we’ll choose the time of
invading and reunify by force. And they’ve said that. And deterrence is kind of turned on its
head. It’s deterrence to stop us from preserving the freedom and peace of South Korea as if that’s
somehow an illegitimate objective. But I’m willing to ask you what their strategic objectives are
because maybe you don’t think it’s reunification by force. Maybe it’s just the South Korean
government collapses and they invite the North Korean clowns to come in and say "Okay,
you set the whole thing up." Because I think you’ve asked a very good question. I have a
chart in my office. Korea is family to me. My Korean father was murdered by SOBs in North
Korea, as well as the entire South Korean cabinet in Burma. I’m not quite sure what strategic
objective they had expect for terrorism, but he was my Korean professor and my family host
whom I lived with. And they murdered him. And I have a chart that has every North Korean
attack, terrorism against the South since the end of the Korean War. I’ve listed them. Now on the
other page, I have a list of the time the United States has used military force against North Korea
in retaliation, whether the Pueblo, whether the Axe murders, or shooting the wife of the President
of the country in church, President Park’s mother. And they have nothing on that side. And I hear
all the time from Doug Bandow and I hear from others, the United States is a threat to North
Korea. What threat? We want to go to the North Koreans? What are we going to invade
tomorrow? Where are all the amphibious facilities of the marines and so forth? Are we going to
invade through the DMZ? We’re going to go through a fish barrel filled with land mines, where
the North Koreans have, what, 17,000 whatever artillery tubes aimed right at the DMZ? 17 miles
from Seoul? We’re going to invade the country? Remember [unintelligible] Rock, who was head
of the Center for Defense Information told me that the only reason American forces are in South
Korea was to prevent the South Koreans from invading the North. And you know the Center for
Defense Information. And this was a common refrain post-Vietnam during the 1970s when
President Carter went to General Vessey, who was not Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, he was head
of the forces in Korea. He said if you support my withdrawal of forces from South Korea, I’ll
make you Chief of Staff of the Army. And General Vessey said, "You’ve got to be kidding
me. I value peace in Korea more than I do getting a fourth star." And when Ronald Reagan
heard that was what Vessey said to the President of the United States, he said, "I want that
guy as my Chairman of my Joint Chiefs of Staff because I want a General to be able to tell me no.
That what I’m proposing is crazy." So I’m really intrigued by – I think I know what the
North Korean’s strategic objectives are, but I may be wrong. Maybe they don’t want to reunify
the peninsula by force. Maybe they just want America to leave them alone and be nice, and then
they’ll get rid of their nukes because they’re about as much threatened by the United States… the
analogy, the metaphor I’m trying to find something…. It’s like a mountain lion being threatened
by a teacup Chihuahua. I say that because I have a teacup Chihuahua I’m taking care of, it’s my
daughter’s. But it’s crazy. The North is only being denied the ability to use its military force to
attack South Korea. However, since 1953, we have not responded to a single North Korean
terrorist attack or military provocation or killing of Americans or South Koreans or Japanese
with the use of military force. Never. We maybe interdicted a ship in Yemen and then we let it
go, but in terms, I’m trying to grasp this idea of I understand what the North says, but how is it
that it is our fault of the Korean problem on that peninsula because we’re a threat to North Korea.
Because if we get in the head of the North Koreans and adopt that on the negotiating table, as the
North Koreans say all the time at every negotiation they claim to have made a concession, that is
a you make a concession. That’s the way they operate on us. The question is we then do make
concessions and what do we get? We don’t get anything in return.
Joel Wit: Okay well, just starting with the last point and then I’ll get to your other points.
That’s not the case in any negotiation I’ve been in. And quite frankly, the idea that people in the
State Department are wimps in striped suits who make all these concessions is just not true. So
we’ll have to disagree on that one.
Peter Huessey: I never said we made concessions. I’m saying that’s what the North
Koreans demand.
Joel Wit: They may demand but that’s what anyone demands in a negotiation. That’s
what a negotiation is. We demand concessions. They demand concessions. Hopefully we end up
at a place where we’re both happy. It doesn’t always happen. On your other points…
Peter Huessey: What is their objective that they want to strategically…
Joel Wit: I’m going there. So I take your point that from an American perspective, it’s
sometimes hard to understand why they would view us as a threat. I think they view us as a
threat first because of history, the Korean war. Second, because they know that there’s an
enormous disparity in terms of military, economic, and any other measurement of power
between us and our allies and them. And so I think the combination of those two factors, whether
we agree with it or not, they’re not faking it. They do view us as a threat. Having said that, I
don’t agree with others who think that if we would only be nice to them, they would be nice to us.
That’s not true. I’m sure the North Koreans have other objectives, and I can’t predict. But if
tomorrow, just like in the case of regime collapse, US forces disappeared off the Korean
peninsula, what would be the result? I don’t know. The North Koreans, they may decide to go
south. I just don’t know. So I’m not saying that they have all these great intentions and if only
we were nice, they would be nice back. They probably don’t have great intentions and I think
most of us understand that. Maybe not Doug Bandow, please don’t put me with Doug Bandow,
because I think that certainly from our perspective, if we engage in the kind of policy I’m talking
about, the number one priority is that we maintain our alliance relationships. And someone will
say, well gee the North Koreans, if you get into this peace treaty negotiation with them, the first
thing they’re going to demand is that all troops leave the peninsula. US troops leave the
peninsula because that’s part of the nuclear threat to them. The North Koreans understand that if
they make that demand, we walk out. I’ve had this discussion with them. They understand that.
And so it’s a very – it’s a game ender. The negotiation is over. So the issue is whether it’s
possible to have this kind of discussion in a way that continues to maintain our alliance
relationships as we move forward. Totally agree. We have to maintain those.
Joseph Bosco: It seems to me, Joel, you just made Peter’s point. He said that North
Korea sees us as a threat because we will defend South Korea against their aggression and then
you said, no they have a reason for seeing us as a threat. Look at the Korean war. That’s what
happened. They invaded South Korea and we came to South Korea’s defense. So what the
problem with North Korea is that they are an aggressive nation. It’s in the nature of their regime
and there’s nothing we can do to assuage their concerns, to a lesser extent, you could say this
about China as well, and Russia.
Joel Wit: Well you know that’s… I can see your point of view on that. But essentially
what you’re saying is we might as well forget about dealing with this issue because the other…
Well I’m sorry but the other things we’re talking about like sanctions and military measures
aren’t going to solve the issue. You’re not going to do it. I can predict that. I predicted that eight
years ago when the Obama administration took a similar approach, with sanctions and whatever
else it was doing. It’s not going to solve the problem.
Peter Huessey: I agree with you that we should defend South Korea. And you’re in
favor of that. So you’re light years different than Doug Bandow.
Joel Wit: Thanks. [Laughs]
Moderator: Okay. Larry?
Larry Nikzch: Let me throw out a couple of other ideas about North Korean motives and
get Joel’s reaction. And then I want to ask Joel a specific question about his proposal for going
into a negotiation of a peace agreement or peace treaty with North Korea. There have been
periods when I do believe the North Koreans were worried about a possible US military move
against them. I think during the 1993/94 period that Joel has referenced, when there was talk of
bombing Yongbyon, I think there may well have been some real worry in Pyongyang. There
certainly were signs of this kind of worry in Pyongyang too after the United States invaded Iraq.
And there was talk that North Korea was next. You may remember Kim Jong Il dropped out of
sight for several months right after the invasion of Iraq. So I think there have been periods. But I
don’t think this is constant, where the North Koreans constantly fear a US military pre-emptive
strike or attack against them. What I think they fear more and view their nuclear weapons
program as a guarantee against, is the fear of South Korea. The fear of political and economic
influence getting into their state and their society from South Korea. And the nuclear program
serves to solidify their concept of the closed state, a state which can maintain and even
strengthen these barriers against this kind of influence from South Korea, and perhaps from the
broader outside as well. The nuclear program solidifies the military state. What Kim Jong Il
described as the military first policy of North Korea. At a time when North Korea’s conventional
military capabilities were in a steep decline in the years after the collapse of the Soviet Union,
the nuclear program buttressed the military, buttressed the military’s role in North Korea, and
thus helped to solidify that kind of closed military state that North Korea is today. Part of the fear
of South Korea, I think on North Korea’s part, is also how they respond to it, is their attitude that
responding to it necessitates continually threatening, intimidating, and demeaning and
diminishing South Korea. And their nuclear capabilities in their view give them a greater
capacity to do that. And warheads on the Nodongs is the latest example of that. And it’s no
accident that this is their first real accomplishment in terms of a nuclear delivery system that can
threaten South Korea with a massive nuclear attack. And then finally, as Ms. Heinrichs, in
January the treasury department imposed sanctions against a high ranking Iranian military
official. And the state department’s justification for the sanctions against this guy included that
he facilitated the dispatch in 2012 of Iranian nuclear experts to North Korea to assist North
Korea in its program to develop long range missiles. Now the treasury department finally has
admitted what the Obama administration has not wanted to talk about, as Ms. Heinrichs pointed
out, this deep North Korean – Iranian collaboration, both in developing missiles and in
developing nuclear warheads. And when the Iranians do send their technicians. When they do
send their observers to the nuclear tests, and we know they have been at I think every one of their
tests so far, they pay handsomely. And there are reports about them paying hundreds of millions
of dollars to the North Koreans. So the nuclear program is a financial bonanza for the Kim Jong
Un/Kim Jong Il regime. And that’s another motive behind this program. Now there’s a lot that
Joel talked about that I agree with. His myths. The only thing I would add on Myth 5, diplomacy
cannot work with North Korea… And here I’m going to go after the State Department that our
negotiators often blunder and make strategic and tactical errors in negotiations. Two handshake
verbal agreements with North Koreans in October 2008 and February 2012? Do you think
they’re going to keep a handshake verbal agreement? These two guys, Chris Hill, and the other
guy, I can’t remember his name, they should get naiveté awards, frankly. The Bush
administration made numerous concessions to the North Koreans, partly because of Chris Hill’s
advice, partly because of Condoleezza Rice. And it all turned against them in the end, coming
out of that October 2012 blundered handshake agreement, which the North denied ever having
made with Chris Hill. That was the humorous thing, frankly, the cynical humorous thing about it.
But the five points are valid. The five points are very valid. I also think his points about making
North Korea a greater priority, being willing to take some domestic political risk, which I think
the Obama administration clearly has not wanted to do, and rethinking the goal of
denuclearization, I think are quite valid. So my question about the peace agreement proposal that
Joel’s putting forward. Number one, are you advocating that we agree to a bilateral peace
negotiation with North Korea? Secondly, how would we satisfy what would be a major
dissatisfaction about that with South Korea if in fact that’s what you’re proposing. And could
you go into a little bit more detail about how we would negotiate on the issue of US troops in a
peace treaty negotiation with the North?
Moderator: Thank you Larry.
Joel Wit: These are all valid questions. And I’m going to amend my earlier remarks to
you. I totally agree with Larry on the Leap Day Deal. I mean, that’s another myth. We have this
myth here that the North Koreans, they walked away from that deal and they screwed things up.
Well in fact, a handshake isn’t worth anything, and that’s all we really had. I mean, if you were,
most of you haven’t worked in the State Department for 15 or 20 years, but you’d see that if an
agreement is reached and each capital issues a different communique, which doesn’t even have
the same language, and there’s no single piece of paper that everyone signed off on, there’s
something wrong. And that’s exactly what happened with that deal. It was negotiated very badly,
you’re absolutely right. On the other questions you asked Larry, in terms of whatever this
negotiation is for a peace declaration or a peace regime, it shouldn’t be bilateral. It can’t be the
just the United States and North Korea. It certainly has to have South Korea and China may have
to participate in parts of it as well. This is a very valid question you ask about major
dissatisfaction in South Korea. I’m not sure how you would deal with that if it happened. And
I’m certain it would happen actually, even though I think today in South Korea, you’re hearing
many more voices talking about dissatisfaction with the current situation. And it’s on all sides,
conservative and the more moderate and the more liberal. They’re all unhappy with how things
are going now. Whether you could harness that and say okay this is what we have to do, it’s
almost certain that there’ll still be dissatisfaction and indeed there’s always dissatisfaction.
There’ll always be dissatisfaction with whatever approach we take, whatever approach the
United States takes. So I think I can’t answer, I’m not answering your question directly. But I
think it’s an important issue. How do you deal with your ally if you enter into this
Larry Nikzch: South Korea’s participation is important though.
Joel Wit: That’s very important. They can’t be sitting outside the door waiting for you
to come out and tell them what’s going on. That’s absolutely a non-starter. I’m sorry I forgot
your last question.
Larry Nikzch: Well any further thoughts you had about how exactly we would approach
negotiating about US troops…
Joel Wit: Oh, US Troops. Yeah, once again, that’s a good question. If you were engaged
in a phased process, leading to a peace regime, that might also lead to denuclearization. If we
want to look at the pot of gold over the rainbow, how would you do it in a phased process?
That’s important. And I don’t have the answer for that either. The only answer that I have is that
the alliance in one form or another has to continue. US troops have to stay on the peninsula until
and including at the end. That sounds strange. Why would the North Koreans agree to that? Well
if you played this out, what you’re essentially trying to do, and it’s not easy, I’m not saying it’s
going to be simple, you’re engineering a different political environment on the peninsula where
you’re moving away from tension to maybe less tense to even something like a sunshine like
North/South relationship. In that context, I don’t think the North Koreans would have problems
with US troops remaining on the peninsula. That may sound naïve, but in fact, in the past,
depending on political relationships, they’ve said that officially. I wish I could think of the
phasing and what we would do with ground forces and air forces. I haven’t thought about that.
So I think it’s a valid question.
Moderator: Thanks, Joel. Peter, do you have any last comments?
Man 1: Peter [His name]. I didn’t have a question but I’m a little confused. Your topic is
freezing North Korea’s nuclear arsenal. But it looks like your answer is that it is not possible.
But I understood that in recent events since January nuclear test and February missile test and so
on, I thought US has finally woken up to deal with North Korean problem instead of going back
and forth between pressure and negotiation and wasting time in that case. I thought we were in
the right approach and suddenly you are telling me that we cannot accomplish anything. And as I
have heard, I’m a little concerned about what you are saying.
Joel Wit: I didn’t say either of those things. The first thing is that the US hasn’t woken
up. That’s the first thing. To put it in a very simple, straightforward way, you’re not going to see
a freeze under the Obama administration. It’s just not going to happen… No I’m saying first that
it’s not going to happen under the Obama administration. Secondly, if you think… I would tend
to agree that a freeze is certainly a useful first step in dealing with the North Koreans. If you
think that, then we have to get real about it. It’s not going to be easy to secure. The only way
you’re going to secure it is by dealing with core security concerns on both sides, including theirs.
You’re not going to be able to give them 100,000 tons of food aid and they’re going to freeze
everything. Not going to happen. So it’s worthwhile, but I think we have to be realistic about
what it will take to secure that goal.
Moderator: Larry?
Man 2: Yes, that was fascinating what you had to say, thank you. Before I ask my
question, if I could just clarify one thing. I thought I heard you say something, but I wasn’t quite
clear about it. I thought you said you’ve been to North Korea a number of times. So I have a two-
part question. The first part is how is that possible that you were able to go to North Korea and
see what you’re seeing. Yeah we hear through the news all sorts of stories and warnings, so the
fact that you’ve been there it’s confusing to me. The second part is I’ve definitely heard you say
that you’ve had discussion or talks with North Koreans in Europe. And my question there is if
you could just bring this down to a personal level for a moment, because for the past 4 hours,
we’ve been discussing this at a governmental and policy level. So I’m just curious how do you
start a conversation.
Joel Wit: Don’t discuss politics. That’s how you start a conversation. [Laughs]
Man 2: Well I mean over the past 4 hours, the word threat has been stated in this
hundreds of times so I’m just curious what is it like for you personally to talk to North Koreans
and then finally how does that mesh with everything that’s been talked about today?
Joel Wit: Okay. Those are very good questions. I’ve missed what has come before me,
so I’m not sure I can answer the last one. Although I’ve been through many Washington
discussions where it’s very clear that people wouldn’t know a North Korean if they tripped over
one. I’m not saying that’s here, but I understand why you’re asking that. How’s it possible to go
there? Well I was a US government official from 1993 until 2002 and during that time period, I
went there many times because we had the agreed framework in place and we were working with
North Koreans to implement the agreement. So I visited nuclear facilities, secret nuclear
facilities, where the military wouldn’t even let their foreign ministry in. They let an American in.
We had Americans stationed in the Yongbyon nuclear facility, helping store spent fuel rods that
had physical material for nuclear weapons in them. We had a lot of other activities inside North
Korea that I was supposedly overseeing. Since I left government, I’ve been there three times, the
latest in 2011 before Kim Jong Il died. In addition, we’ve had discussions with North Koreans in
various places around the world, most recent one in Europe. These are North Korean government
officials, including the one who was just made Foreign Minister. So contrary to what the State
Department keeps telling us, the participants in these meetings, they keep telling us these North
Koreans don’t count for anything, he counted for something obviously. He’s Foreign Minister.
He’s also an alternate [unintelligible] So in terms of the personal level, it’s a good question,
because you’re trying to imagine what it’s like doing business with a North Korean. The ones I
know are sophisticated, speak English, understand the world, certainly understand the United
States very well. This is not shocking. Some of the most sophisticated people in the Soviet Union
were KGB people who knew the world. This will sound strange, but I’ve known some of these
people for twenty years so we have a certain relationship. We’ve done business before. We know
each other well. In that context, it’s not so hard to have the kinds of conversations I’m talking
about. There are things you don’t discuss, which is of course their political system, their
authoritarian regime. You can discuss human rights. You’re not going to get anywhere, but you
can discuss it. So it’s not that complicated as long as you’re focused on substance. Then you can
actually learn things and they learn things from us too. And you can think about different
possible solutions. I don’t know how it meshes with what went on today, I missed most of it. So
sorry. I’m sorry, does that answer your question? You know it’s not unlike people meeting the
Soviets during the Cold War. I mean same thing, authoritarian regime. What’s it like talking to
these people? Lots of American scientists met with Soviets and established relationships and had
discussions. Yeah I’m not surprised you’re shocked… I mean I don’t want to sound naïve or
anything. But in order to court with the North Koreans, you have to understand them and of
course you always keep in mind your own national interests as you’re doing that just as they
keep in mind their national interest.
Man 3: Were we supposed to adjourn at 4:30 or 5, do I have time? [Laugh] You
mentioned the Leap Day Agreement. The architect of that is Glen Davis. Now actually, I
completely subscribe to your five myths about magical thinking etc. But today’s featured speaker
Admiral Harry Harris, he made the observation that North Korea remains America’s greatest
security threat. Now that doesn’t seem to jive with your first recommendation. The US
government makes the foreign policy to pay more attention to North Korea. I’m sure he has
different views about that. I think the fundamental issue is if the strategy objective of North
Korea is indeed not just regime survival, but reunification, we’re really in bad shape here, don’t
you think?
Joel Wit: I don’t disagree with… I didn’t hear what the Admiral said but I could
probably predict what he said. I don’t disagree with the fact that they are a serious threat.
Whether they’re the greatest threat to the United States, I don’t know. I think Russia is equal if
not more. That’s why of course we need to do all the other things I was talking about, the
military steps to reassure our allies, to strengthen our alliances, the sanctions. When the North
Koreans do something they shouldn’t do, we should impose sanctions. All I’m saying is that if
you have a strategy, those two things are necessary but not sufficient. And so what part of our
strategy should be diplomacy too, to figure out if there are ways to lessen the threat coming
diplomacy with these other measures. Of course in the United States nowadays, diplomacy is not
seen as a useful thing to do, but my experience is that it can be productive under the right
Moderator: Now without any further ado, please give Joel a big round of applause and
the meeting is adjourned.
* Transcribed by David Lee, ICAS Intern
This page last updated August 23, 2016 jdb