Upcoming ICAS Programs 2023

July 10, 2024 The Hon Joseph DeTrani to address VIRTUAL ICAS Summer Symposium Libertas:
Korean Peninsula Issues and US National Security Kim-Putin Alliance
June 19, 2024 General (Ret) Walter "Skip" Sharp nominated Guest of Honour:
ICAS Annual Liberty Award Celebration Dinner
May 24, 2024 Nobushige Tamikazawa to address VIRTUAL ICAS Spring Symposium Lux:
Japan's National Security Posture Korean Peninsular Issues Taiwan Contingency and the World
May 7, 2024 Christopher Johnstone to address VIRTUAL ICAS Spring Symposium Veritas:
The Korean Peninsula Issues and US Asia Indo-Pacific Policy
March 25, 2024 Ambassador Un Shin to address VIRTUAL ICAS Spring Symposium Libertas:
The Korean Peninsula Issues
February 26, 2024 Yuri Kim to address VIRTUAL ICAS Winter Symposium Veritas:
Russia’s War Against Ukraine and the Evolving Impact on the Korean Peninsula
January 25, 2024 Professor Nick Rostow to address VIRTUAL ICAS Winter Symposium Libertas:
The Russo-Ukraine War and its significance on the Korean Peninsula and US National Security
N.B. Programs subject to adjustment

Archives of previous years' ICAS programs.

This page last modified March 20, 2024 sa