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In Bum Chun
Lt General (Ret) ROK ArmyWhile serving as a Platoon leader, In Bum was selected to become the aide to Lt General Ki Baek Lee who was then the 1st ROK Corps Commander. He became the youngest officer in ROK Army history to be an aide to a three star general with the rank of lieutenant. In 1983 General Lee, as Chairman of the ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff, was a victim of the Rangoon bombing. In Bum was credited with saving General Lee’s life and was awarded the National Security Medal (Kwang-Bok).
Lt General (Ret) Chun has been selected the Excellent Company Commander (Jae-Gu award) [1] in 1986. In Bum served in the ROK/US Combined Forces Command (CFC) in 1988 as the Contingency plans officer, Assistant Chief-of-Staff (AcofS) C-5 and as the ROK aide to the Deputy Commander-in-Chief (CINC), CFC.
Returning from the United States Armed Forces Staff College course, In Bum was assigned to the Korean Special Warfare Command (SWC) as the Combined Operations Officer. After 18 months at the SWC, he was selected by the Special Assistants Group of the ROK Army Chief of Staff (CSA) Office as the Officer-in-Charge of Military Diplomacy and also consecutively served as the Policy officer of the same organization.
During and after his tour in CFC In Bum provided Korean/ English language support to the CINC on numerous occasions and was personally awarded the U.S. Army Commendation Medal by General Robert RisCassi in 1992.
In Bum commanded a battalion in the 22nd ROK Infantry Division. During Battalion Command, he was selected Best Battalion Commander for the 22nd Infantry Division in 1996 (first out of 12 BNs). He also participated in operations to search and destroy infiltrators from the “Submarine incident” at Kang-Nung in 1996. In 1997, while conducting a Live-fire exercise, In Bum was wounded in the right leg requiring 42 stitches, refusing evacuation, he finished training of his troops and was recognized by the Division and Regimental Commanders. Lt General (Ret) Chun has 13 months of DMZ duty.
After successfully completing Division level duties as the G-1 and then the G-3 for the 22nd Infantry Division, In Bum served in the ROK/US Combined Forces Command assigned to the C-3 Exercise Division as the Ulchi-Focus Lens (UFL) Exercise senior Korean officer, where he planned, coordinated, controlled and managed the Ulchi-Focus Lens (UFL) Exercise; the largest combined computer simulated military exercise in the world. Lt General (Ret) Chun received the ROK Minister of Defense Citation and the U.S. Meritorious Service Medal for his contribution as the UFL Exercise officer.
In Bum's Regimental command assignment was Commander of the 29th Infantry Regiment “Golden Bats” of the 9th Infantry Division “White Horse.” He was the 49th commander of the regiment, which has a 54-year history. It includes six major battles during the Korean War and six years and seven months of duty in Vietnam. The 29th Regiment also has a real world security mission of the Han River, which extends to 30 Kms. In Bum served 17 months as its commander.
Upon completion of Regimental command, In Bum was assigned as the Chief of the Election Support Branch, Civil Military Affairs /Strategic Operations Directorate at the Multi National Forces (MNF) in Iraq. He was recognized by both the Republic of Korea and the United States for his contribution to the first “Fair and Free” elections in Iraq on 30 January 2005, with the Hwa-Rang Combat medal and the US Bronze Star medal.
From November of 2005, In Bum served as the Director of US Affairs at the Korean Ministry of National Defense and was involved in negotiations and cooperation with the US on relocations of US forces, Camp returns, ROK/US Joint Vision Study, Special Measures Agreement and transition of Wartime Operational Control. He was selected for brigadier general on 3 November 2006. From November of 2006 to April of 2007, In Bum was assigned to the First ROK Infantry Division as the Assistant Division Commander and concurrently assigned as a research fellow at the Center for International Studies/ Seoul National University. As of 1 May 2007, he was assigned as the Director of Operational Plans Development for the ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff. On 19 July 2007, 23 Korean missionary workers, including 16 women, were kidnapped by the Taliban. Lt General (Ret) Chun was given seven hours notice to assemble a team and deploy to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) HQ in Kabul, Afghanistan and establish coordinating relations with ISAF and also to support the ROKG efforts for the release of the hostages. The incident lasted for forty four days and all but two were released unharmed. [2] In Bum was credited with accomplishing his mission successfully and was awarded the Korean Presidential citation. Upon completion of his duties as the Deputy-director for Strategic Planning at ROK JCS, he took over the OPCON Transition Group, which was charged with the responsibility of overseeing the transformation of wartime operational control from the US to the ROK. During his post In Bum supervised establishment of the Initial Operational Capability of the ROK JCS and subordinate operational commands. He was promoted to two stars on 3 Nov of 2009 and took over command of the 27th Infantry Division. Under his leadership the unit gained a reputation to be “ Ready to Fight”. As of Nov 2011, In Bum became the Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations for the ROK/US Combined Forces Command and Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations for Ground Component Command. In April on 2013, he became the Deputy Chief of Staff for CFC and the Senior Member of the United Nations Military Armistice Commission. In Nov of 2013, he was promoted to Lieutenant General and was assigned as the commander of the ROK Special Warfare Command. From April of 2015, In Bum has been the Deputy Commander for the First ROK Army. Lt General (Ret) Chun retired from active duty as of 31 July 2016.
Educational Record
- Graduated, Korea Military Academy, 1981; Military History, BA
- Graduated, Officer’s Basic Course, 1981
- Graduated, Officer’s Advanced Course, 1984
- Graduated, Army College; Regular Course # 46, 1990
- Graduated, U.S. Armed Forces Staff College, 1990, Norfolk, VA.
- Graduated, Advanced Army College #4, 1995
- Graduated, U.S. Army War College, 2003; Military Strategic Studies, MS.
- Graduated, Seoul National University, 2006; Policy Studies, MA
- Graduated, Kyung-nam University, 2010; Political Science, PhD
- Honorary Doctorate Degree, Irkutsk National Univ (Russia), 2011; Political Science
- Completed, Entrepreneurship Course, Jones International Univ/ Seoul Cyber Univ, 2011
Military Assignments
- 1987- 88: Operations officer, 30th INF Division, G-3 Branch
- 1990-92: Combined Operations officer, Special Warfare Command, G-3 Branch
- 1992-93: Policy officer, Office of the Chief of Staff (COS), ROKA
- 1993-95: Officer in Charge, Mil-Diplomacy Affairs, Office of the COS, ROKA
- 1995-97: Battalion Commander, 22nd INF Division
- 1997-98: G-1, 22nd INF Division
- 1998-99: G-3, 22nd INF Division
- 1999-2002: UFL Exercise Officer, C-3, ROK/US Combined Forces Command (CFC)
- 2003-2004: Commander, 29th Regt, 9th INF Division, ROKA “White Horse”
- 2004-2005: Chief, Election Cell, CMO, MNF-Iraq
- 2005-2006: Director, US Policy Division, Ministry of National Defense
- 2006-2007: ADC, First ROK INF Div/ Fellow CIS-CAP seminar/Seoul Nat’l Univ.
- 2007- 2008: Director, OPLAN Development, J-3/ ROK JCS
- 2008-2008 : Deputy Director, Strategic Planning Bureau, J-5/ROKJCS
- 2008-2009 : Director, OPCON Transition Group, J-5/ROKJCS
- 2009-2011: Commander, 27th Infantry Division
- 2011-2013: Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff C3, ROKUS CFC and ACofS G3, GCC
- 2013-2013: Deputy Chief of Staff, CFC and Senior Member to UNCMAC
- 2013-2015: Commander, ROK Special Warfare Command (SWC)
- 2015-2016: Deputy Commander, First ROK Army (FROKA)
Promotional Record
- 1981: Second Lieutenant
- 1982: First Lieutenant
- 1984: Captain
- 1988: Major
- 1994: Lieutenant Colonel
- 2002: Colonel
- 2007: Brigadier General
- 2009: Major General
- 2013, Nov: Lieutenant General
Awards and Citations
- National Security Medal, Kuk-Sun; 2016
- USSOCOM Medal; 2016
- U.S. Legion of Merit, Degree of Officer; 2016
- National Security Medal, Chun-Soo ; 2013
- Combat Medal, Hwa-Rang; 2005
- National Security Medal, Kwang-Bok ; 1983
- Presidential Citation; 2008
- Prime Minister’s citation; 2000
- U.S. Legion of Merit, Degree of Officer; 2011
- U.S. Bronze Star Medal; 2005
- U.S. Meritorious Service Medal; 2002
- U.S. Army Commendation Medal; 1992
- Six Ministry of National Defense Level citations
- Twelve Chief of Staff Level citations
- Seven Army Level citations
- Eight Corps Level citations
- Ten Division Level citations
- Two Regimental Level citations
Family Record
- Wife (Shim, Hwa-Jin; Ph D.: President /Sung-Shin Women’s University) [3] , two sons (Min-Gyu, Min-Woo) and five dogs.
[1] The Jae-Gu award is awarded in memory to the late Major Kang, Jae-Gu, who sacrificed himself by throwing his body on top of a grenade, which was dropped by a recruit during training for deployment to Vietnam. The ROK Army selects one company commander a year for every Corps level unit. Thus only about 11 captains are selected each year. In the case for Lt General (Ret) he was chosen from approximately 300 candidates.
[2] Among the hostages two males were murdered by the Taliban.
[3] The Sung-Shin Women’s University was established in 1936. It has a fully accredited undergraduate and graduate program. Sung-Shin Women’s University has eight colleges including human science, social science, and natural science to mention a few. It has a 80 year history and the students’ number over 10,000 with 250 professors. It is located in Seoul.
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This page last modified October 11, 2017 jdb