Institute for Corean-American Studies |

Alexis Dudden
Alexis Dudden,
ICAS Fellow, is professor of history at the University of Connecticut. Her work focuses on Northeast Asia’s
modern history through the legacies of the Japanese empire. Alexis's first book,
Japan’s Colonization of Korea:
Discourse and Power (2005), examines late nineteenth century Japanese efforts to legitimate the nation’s imperial
project on the world stage through the country’s takeover of Korea.
Troubled Apologies Among Japan, Korea,
and the United States (2008) moves into the post-colonial/post-war era by interrogating mechanisms intended to
settle imperial and wartime histories that instead created a political and social dynamic of coordinated remembering
and intentional forgetting that defines the possibilities for regional interaction. Alexis is an editorial board member of
the online journal, The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, and is the recipient of Fulbright and ACLS fellowships.
Her current work,
Islands, Empire, Nation: A History of Modern Japan, analyzes Japan’s contemporary territorial
disputes through the changing meaning of islands broadly defined.
This page last updated November 4, 2012 jdb