Institute for Corean-American Studies |

Ken Gause
Selected Publications of Ken's work in the Open Source on North Korea include:
North Korean Leadership Dynamics and Decision-making Under Kim Jong-un: A Second Year Assessment (Alexandria, VA: CNA, February 2014).
North Korean Leadership Dynamics and Decision-making Under Kim Jong-un: A First Year Assessment (Alexandria, VA: CNA, September 2013).
North Korean Calculus in the Maritime Environment: Covert versus Overt Provocations (Alexandria, VA: CNA COP-2013-U-005210, July 2013).
North Korean Calculus in the Maritime Environment: Covert versus Overt Provocations, in The Changing Security Environment and Continuing North Korean Military Threat (Seoul: Korean Institute for Maritime Strategy, April 2013).
Coercion, Control, Surveillance, and Punishment: An Examination of the North Korean Police State (Washington, DC: The U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, Second Edition, May 2013, currently being translated into Korean by the Ministry of National Unification).
North Korea’s Political System in the Transition Era: The Role and Influence of the Party Apparatus, in Scott Snyder and Kyung-Ae Park, eds., North Korea in Transition (Lanam, MD: Rowan & Littlefield, 2012).
North Korea Under Kim Chong-il: Power, Politics, and Prospects for Change (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers, 2011).
A Maritime Perspective of North Korean WMD, in The Republic of Korea’s Security & the Role of the ROK-US Navies (Seoul: Korea Institute for Maritime Strategy, October 2010).
Future North Korean Crises: Scenarios and Sign Posts, A paper presented at a Brookings Institution-Korean Institute for Defense Analysis Conference (June 2009).
Managing Future North Korean Crises: Scenarios and Signposts, Paper presented at Conference in Seoul hosted by the Institute for National Security Studies (October 2008).
Can The North Korean Regime Survive Kim Chong-Il? (Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 2008).
North Korean Civil-Military Relations: Military First Policy to a Point (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, September 2006).
Sino-North Korean Military Relations: Comrades-in-Arms Forever? (China Military Update, May 2004).
The North Korean Leadership: System Dynamics and Fault Lines. Institute for Defense Analysis (chapter in larger 2004 study on North Korean elites done for OSD Policy). The North Korean Leadership: Evolving Regime Dynamics in the Kim Chong-il Era. Project Asia Occasional Paper, CNA Corporation (September 2003).
The North Korean Military: Status Over Substance. SP Military Yearbook. New Delhi, India (2001).
Links for Ken Gause |
North Korea's Provocation and Escalation Calculus: Dealing with the Kim Jong-un Regime |
Current Political Dynamics Inside North Korea |
2014 Fall Symposium |
This page last updated September 21, 2015 jdb