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Philip S. Goldberg
Philip S Goldberg was confirmed by the US Senate as US Ambassador to the Republic of Korea on May 5, 2022. He served until recently as US Ambassador to Colombia. In 2018, Philip served as Charge d’affaires at the US Embassy in Havana, Cuba, followed by a year as a Diplomat in Residence at Georgetown University.From 2013-2016, Amb Goldberg served as US Ambassador to the Philippines. Prior to that assignment, he served as Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (2010-2013); US Ambassador to Bolivia (2006-2008); Chief of Mission in Pristina, Kosovo (2004-2006); and Charge d’affaires and Deputy Chief of Mission in Santiago, Chile (2001-2004). From 2009-2010, Philip was coordinator for the implementation of UN sanctions on North Korea. His other overseas tours included Bogota, Colombia, where he served as the Plan Colombia coordinator, and Pretoria, South Africa.
Amb Goldberg was a senior member of the State Department team handling the transition from the Clinton to Bush administrations and served as acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs (2000-2001) and Special Assistant and Executive Assistant to Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott (1996-2000). As the Bosnia Desk Officer and Special Assistant to Amb Richard Holbrooke (1994-1996), Philip was a member of the American negotiating team in the lead-up to the Dayton Peace Conference and Chief of Staff for the American delegation at Dayton.
Amb Goldberg holds the personal rank of Career Ambassador, the highest rank in the US Foreign Service. He has received numerous awards, including Presidential Distinguished and Meritorious Service Awards; the Department’s Distinguished Honor Award and the Silver Seal Medallion for Meritorious Service in the US Intelligence Community.
Philip is a native of Boston, Massachusetts, and a graduate of Boston University. Before joining the Foreign Service, he served as a liaison officer between the government of the City of New York and the United Nations and Consular Community.
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ICAS Fall Symposium Libertas 2023 |
This page last modified January 05, 2024 sa