Institute for Corean-American Studies |

Jason Healey
During his time in the White House, Jason was a director for cyber policy and helped advise the President and coordinate US efforts to secure US cyberspace and critical infrastructure. He has also been executive director at Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong and New York, vice chairman of the FS-ISAC (the information sharing and security organization for the finance sector) and a US Air Force intelligence officer having worked at the Pentagon and National Security Agency. Jason was a founding member (plankholder) of the first cyber command in the world, the Joint Task Force for Computer Network Defense, in 1998. He is president of the Cyber Conflict Studies Association, lecturer in cyber policy at Georgetown University, lecturer of cyber national security studies at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and author of dozens of published essays and papers.
Links for Jason Healey |
North Korea's Cyber Capability and US National Security |
2015 Winter Symposium |
This page last modified March 20, 2015 jdb