Institute for Corean-American Studies |

Olivia Heng
Olivia is a freshman at Brown University studying Computer Engineering (Computer Science and Electrical Engineering). In school, she is a member of the Society of Women Engineers, Korean-American Student Association, and was selected to join Hack@Brown, Brown University’s oldest and largest hackathon, as a first-year representative. Olivia is the second eldest of six children and has been involved in competitive robotics since 2017, winning the NJ State Championship most recently. She is active in community service in her hometown of Ocean City, NJ, and is passionate about the environment, programming, and diversity in STEM.
Olivia has been a member of ICAS Youth Excellence Program administered by ICAS Youth Academy ( since 2008 and rose to become an ICAS Volunteer and an ICAS Junior Attaché in 2020. She has successfully competed in the ICAS Youth Fellowship Award Contest ( since 2015.
Olivia Heng* (WQ; A rising 12th grader, Ocean City High School, NJ) (via Google Meet) 2021
America's Founding Principles
Olivia Heng (WQ; A rising 11th grader, Ocean City High School, NJ) 2020
What Is My Identity?
Olivia Heng (WQ; ICAS Volunteer; A rising 10th grader, Ocean City High School, NJ) 2019
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell and Responsibility and Freedom
Olivia Heng (WQ; A rising 9th grader, Ocean City High School, NJ) 2018
Family, Faith, and Freedom
Olivia Heng (WQ; A rising 8th grader, Ocean City High School, NJ) 2017
Is America Exceptional? What Does America Promise?
Olivia Heng (WQ; A rising 7th grader, Ocean City High School, NJ) 2016
The Little Prince
Olivia Heng (WQ; A rising 6th grader, Ocean City High School, NJ) 2015
Links for Olivia Heng |
This page last modified February 6, 2021 rmj