Institute for Corean-American Studies |

Kexan Li
Deputy Chief of Mission and MinisterEmbassy of the People's Republic of China in the USA
Kexin was born in January 1969. He holds a PhD in Economics.
2015.5 - | Minister, then DCM and Minister, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America |
2012.10-2015.04 | Deputy Director-General, The Department of International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
2010.07-2012.10 | Counselor, then Deputy Director-General, The Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
2006.03-2010.07 | Counselor, Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations |
2004.03-2006.03 | Deputy Mayor Duyun City, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou province |
1999.09-2004.03 | Deputy Division Director, then Division Director, the Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
1998.09-1999.09 | Postgraduate at the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK |
1991.08-1998.09 | Desk Officer, Attache, then Third Secretary, the Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
1987.09-1991.08 | Undergraduate student, Beijing International Studies University |
Kexin is married with a son.
Links for Kexan Li |
The US-China Relations and the Korean Peninsula (Text and Video). |
ICAS Fall Symposium Special 2018. |
Bulletin of November 26, 2018. |
This page last modified December 16, 2018 jdb