Institute for Corean-American Studies |

Larry A. Niksch
Larry specializes in U.S. security policy in East Asia and the Western Pacific, internal political conditions of the countries of the region, and foreign policy developments within the region. In addition to his reports published by the Congressional Research Service and congressional committees, he has written articles for a number of journals and newspapers in the United States and the Asia-Pacific countries. Larry has spoken at numerous conferences in the United States and abroad. He is interviewed frequently by East Asian and U.S. media outlets and by the Voice of America and Radio Free Asia.
Larry is a Senior Adviser on East Asia to The PRS (Political Risk Services Group), is an adviser to the Asia Service of The WEFA Group, and is a consultant to Lloyd, Thomas and Ball international business consulting service. He is a member of the editorial board of New Asia, published by the New Asia Research Institute in Seoul, Korea. Larry served as a member of the U.S. presidential observer group to the Philippine presidential election in February 1986.
Larry is a member of the Capitol Hill Civil War Roundtable.
This page last updated June 27, 2018 jdb