ICAS Bulletin
Institute for Corean-American Studies, Inc.
Yuliana Noah
ICAS Volunteer
President's Volunteer Service Award 2009
Dear Friend:
We are pleased to share with you that Yuliana Noah, ICAS Volunteer, has received
the President's Volunteer Service Award 2009.
Yuliana earned the same award in
This Award recognizes her dedication to volunteer service and signifies that
she has served her community and her country with distinction. Through her volunteer
efforts, she is demonstrating values that make our nation strong and she is helping
to build a culture of citizenship, service and responsibility in America.
Yuliana is Winner
of the ICAS Youth Fellowship Award 2007;
Becky Norton Dunlop Award for Excellence for her writing on
"John Locke's The Limits of Human Understanding",
including the ICAS Travel Grant. She has been a proactive member of
ICAS Youth Excellence
Program sharpening her growth and development potential.
Yuliana is a rising senior of Moorestown High School, Moorestown,
New Jersey and a daughter of Lumi and Joseph Noah of Moorestown, New Jersey.
Sang Joo Kim / signed
Sr. Fellow & Executive Vice President